Azaziel Holmes

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A/N: I read somewhere that Sherlock was 27, so that's the age I made him and Azaziel. Also, I don't own Marvel or BBC Sherlock, so no copyright infringement intended.

Name: Azaziel Roslyn Holmes

Age: 27

Height: 5'0

Weight: 95lbs

Clearance Level: 13

Code Name: Midnight Angel/Guardian (Angel)

Powers: Wings the color of Midnight, chaos magic, enhanced strength/endurance/speed, highly trained in martial arts and katana swords, fluent in 100 languages, access to high sums of money, assassin training (Level 7 Mutant), Able to absorb others abilities without killing them-causes her great pain though

Background: Kidnapped from hospital as a baby by Hydra operatives and experimented on to give her wings and chaos magic, began to train her as an assassin and worked with the Winter Soldier to train them both, SHIELD rescued her when she was 18 and has been working as an agent/Avenger ever since

Azaziel's POV:

I shifted my weight and tensed my shoulders. Even though I'd been out of Hydra for 9 years, I was still paranoid about being forced back into that hellhole. Bucky noticed my tension and squeezed my wrist lightly. My friendship with Bucky was unshakable. We were both abused by Hydra and so we went through a lot of the same things, which led us to help each other with nightmares and such. We were inseparable. I'm the reason Bucky isn't locked up in an underwater prison. I may or may not have threatened to tell the entire world to either "*#$! off or save the world themselves without any superheroes." I'm very influential that way. Most people still hated the fact there were multiple assassins on the Avengers, but they needed us, so they let us be. Anyhow, our mission was to get into the MI6 and detain one of their agents, who was actually a Hydra agent.

"Access granted." My card beeped as I swiped it against the door and I smirked. SHIELD for the win. Bucky snorted at my antics. A man was waiting for the two of us when we entered. He stood tall and his eyes, his eyes, reminded me of my own... There was something familiar about him, but I couldn't place it.

"Good Morning. My name is Agent Amelia Holder and I'm here because we have received intelligence that one of your MI6 agents is an undercover Hydra agent." I introduced myself and Bucky shifted behind me. The man frowned.

"Good morning Agent Holder. My name is Mycroft Holmes and I have been informed about your mission. I must, for security reasons, receive identification to prove you are who you say you are." I immediately handed him my pre-made 'undercover' SHIELD card. Mycroft took the card and looked at its credentials before handing it back to me with a satisfied look.

"Mr. Holmes, if you would give us the information we requested about Agent Pennywise." I got straight to the point. Mycroft took out a large file and handed it to me. I opened it and looked it over. My breath caught. Grant Freaking Ward. I clenched my jaw. That stupid traitor.

"Is that all you need?" Mycroft asked. I shook my head.

"Please escort us to Agent Pennywise immediately. He is much more dangerous than we could have ever expected." I informed Mycroft. His eyebrows raised and he briskly walked us down multiple hallways towards a mess hall. I straitened my skirt (gotta look my best for being undercover, right?) and entered. My eyes swept the room until they found my man. Mycroft immediately went over to the head of MI6 and explained the situation. Before long, 'Agent Pennywise' was right in front of me in a secluded room.

"What's all this about? I didn't do anything wrong!" He exclaimed. I sighed in annoyance before putting my hair up into a fishtail ponytail. Grant and I went way back, he knew me when SHIELD first brought me in. He gasped in surprise. "Angel, I thought, I thought,..." He stuttered off while still staring at me dumbstruck.

"Save it Ward. Whatever you've done, it's enough to get our attention. Also, you are one of the most wanted people on the planet right now. Don't argue and come quietly. The Director wants to talk to you." I drilled. Wards eyes widened fractionally before a smirk made its way on to his face.

"So Old Coulson wants to talk, huh? Then why didn't he send his team?" Grant Ward asked and I felt the breath get knocked out of my lungs. "Oh, did you not know? Coulson's alive. Fury lied to all of you." Ward explained lazily. My fists clenched and I cuffed his hands behind his back.

"Agent Grant Ward you are under arrest for espionage, treason, and betrayal. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the courts. You will be accompanying me and Agent Bishop to the Helicarrier." I said, emotionless. Bucky came in and took Grant's arm. We exited the room and I paused beside Mycroft.

"Thank you. You shall have a replacement for your MI6 agent." I said before walking off to the jet. Mycroft watched me go and a peculiar expression crossed his face before he too turned to get on with the rest of his day.

Mycroft's POV:

I couldn't deduce anything about Agent Holder. She was completely emotionless except for the one moment where she had the file on Agent Pennywise, when she looked absolutely devastated and completely enraged. I would deduce that meant something had happened between her and the undercover agent. I opened up the file we had on Agent Holder and I frowned. Most of her information was either classified-even to me!- or purely basic. I looked closer at the photo of Agent Holder and my eyes widened. Her eyes looked exactly like Sherlock's. My thoughts flew one after another. I knew Mummy had been pregnant with twins when Sherlock was born, but Mummy always said her baby girl was stillborn. Now, I wasn't so sure. I called my brother to ask.

"No Mycroft, Mummy never speaks of the twin I was supposed to have. You know this, so why are you asking?" Sherlock asked, obviously annoyed. I sighed.

"An agent came in here today to detain an undercover MI6 agent who was actually a terrorist. She looked exactly like you, especially her eyes and cheekbones." I explained shortly. "The only thing is that she was short. Petite. Unlike you or I." I continued, looking at the file.

"And her name was?" Sherlock asked.

"Agent Amelia Holder." I said and Sherlock snorted. "There's a chance that isn't her real name, though all her credentials were in place under that name." I said.

"Possibly. Perhaps you're right. Maybe it's time to ask Mummy what really happened to what would have been Azaziel Roslyn Holmes." Sherlock agreed.

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