Family and Friends

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Mycroft's POV:

Honestly, when my younger sister Azaziel showed up in my files as one of the SHIELD agents who was helping set up a HQ in London, I wasn't very surprised. I guessed something along those lines when I first met Agent Holder, who was in fact Agent Azaziel Holmes. I received an email from an unidentifiable source telling me that Agent Amelia Holder and Agent Azaziel Holmes were in fact one and the same, but to tell this information to anyone else would result in my immediate incarceration. But when I showed up to work the week after my conversation with my parents and Sherlock about my supposed sister, I did not expect to see her sitting against my desk. I looked over at Anthea who raised her eyebrows at me.

"Shall I remove her, sir?" Anthea asked and Azaziel laughed.

"You could try, but I doubt you would succeed. No, I just came to see Mycroft about a matter that pertains to the government and safety." Azaziel explained. I nodded at Anthea who took her place at her desk outside my office and I closed my office door.

"Good morning, sister mine." I said calmly. Azaziel raised her eyebrows and I finally noticed her outfit. Standard issue catsuit, armed with gun holsters, which were empty, probably to not draw too much attention to herself and her job, although her catsuit had her company's logo on the sleeves. "I assume you are here to address your first visit to me at work." I deduced.

"No, actually. I came to talk to you about your security. I live right by Sherlock, so he's fine. You, however, are at a serious risk. My job, as you've deduced, is highly dangerous and I've managed to make very powerful enemies. I am concerned about your safety." Azaziel responded. I blinked. "SHIELD is willing to provide a security detail, if you deem it necessary. I know you have an MI6 security team and Anthea-who's name is not actually Anthea- is highly trained in martial arts, but the people after me are much more different and dangerous than your security team could expect or handle." She continued.  "Anyhow, I will expect an answer by the end of the day. You have a way to reach me, I already put my contact information in your phone and computer. Until later, brother mine." Azaziel waltzed out of my office, leaving me flabbergasted. How in the world did she get into my office and into my computer and into my phone?

Oz's POV:

Ha. If only I could tell my brother about my techie abilities. His thoughts were quiet, just like Sherlock's, but Mycroft had a bit more of a power complex to him. He liked being in control. 

"Agent Holmes. We are initiating Project Romance. He will arrive in your location in ten minutes." Director Fury spoke in my earpiece and I dropped my files. Project Romance was a back-up plan if Fury was worried there might be an seduction plan or that I might get distracted while on mission work. As far as I knew, my Project Romance partner was ex-STRIKE commander, Brock Rumlow, who got rescued from Triskelion and gained his freedom. He had nothing to do with me during my stay at HYDRA, due to our ages being too close.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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