Truth of Twins

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A/N: I don't own Sherlock or Marvel, so no copyright infringement intended. I also want to thank you for reading. I know this is probably really weird, but hey, what can I say? I'm really weird.

Sherlock's POV:

Mycroft and I stood outside the house our parents lived in, neither of us wanting to go in first. We both knew this would be difficult. Mummy hated talking about that day. Even on my birthday she would get emotional. I sighed and before I could lose my nerve, I knocked. Father answered the door and a look of surprise crossed his face to see his two sons standing there, unannounced. 

"Honey, Sherlock and Mycroft are here!" He yelled over his shoulder before ushering my brother and I into the house. Mycroft entered first and I fell behind him. Mummy came around the corner, eyes twinkling.

"Is there something big going on? Has one of my boys finally found the right girl?" She asked and both Mycroft and I snorted. "No? Then why the surprise?" Mummy asked brightly.

"Mummy, there is a matter that may become of national importance that has to do strictly with our family." Mycroft announced, taking out the file of 'Amelia Holder'. Mummy looked confused, but not before a lightning quick expression of fear crossed her eyes. "For the past 27 years, you have said Azaziel Roslyn Holmes was stillborn. Today, I received a visit from an Amelia Holder, who coincidentally looks almost exactly like Sherlock, right down to the curly hair, silver-blue-grey eyes, and high cheekbones." He continued and I stood taller.

"Is there a possibility my twin sister is not only alive, but alive and working for a government agency?" I demanded. Mummy backed away.  I glared at her. "What happened that day?" I asked. Mummy sighed.

"Your twin sister is as far as I know dead. But she wasn't stillborn. When I gave birth, I gave birth to two healthy, happy twins. Identical in all but gender. Azaziel was taken from the hospital later that day. Of course a search immediately ensued as soon as it was realized, but they found a body of a newborn corpse in a dark alleyway. It looked like Azaziel, so she was presumed dead." Mummy explained. She then further explained the grief of losing her first daughter, which then turned to surprise at having her son be left alone. I stood in the kitchen and looked at Mycroft. We were both confused. There was a slight possibility my twin was truly dead, but there was also the possibility she was alive. At the same time, every phone in the room dinged.

"Wrong! Azaziel's still alive!" The message read. Then the phones dinged again. "She's coming to London to meet up with her long-lost family." Once again, the phones dinged. "Sorry if this is weird, it was the only way I could think of to get all of you at once. Then again, I am Tony Stark, so it wasn't hard for me to hack your phones." I raised my eyebrows. So did Mycroft. Mummy however, went a little crazy. She called the number and put it on speakerphone so everyone could hear.

"Hello? The familiar drawl of Tony Stark was on the line.

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but joking with the idea that my daughter is still alive is absolutely unacceptable!" Mummy screeched. The line went silent for a few moments before someone hit Tony Stark.

"STARK! I said I would contact them! I didn't need you to do that for me!" A girl's voice rang out and Mummy gasped. "Furthermore, you couldn't have done it another way?" She continued.

"Excuse me, but I can hear you!" Mummy said and the line went quiet again. "What's your name and age, young lady?" My mother asked.

"My name is Azaziel Roslyn Holmes and I'm 27-as far as I can figure. I was kidnapped on the day I was born from a hospital in London. I can't say anything more than that." The girl replied matter-of-factly. Mummy whimpered in surprise. "And yes, I'm coming to London. I that needs to be done there, so I'll be there, but my schedule does allow me time if you would like to meet." Azaziel- or the person who claimed to be Azaziel- answered the unspoken question.

"I would like that. When and where?" Mummy said. Azaziel laughed slightly.

"Those details will be provided when I know I am secure. Otherwise our meeting may be compromised. I am taking a huge risk by letting you know now that I'll be in London." Azaziel explained and hung up. Mummy sank down into a chair and I looked at her curiously. 

"Well then, that answered that. Didn't it Mycroft?" I asked, but Mycroft shook his head.

"There's something not right. She said work, but not what she does. She also said she can't tell us more about her life. And, there's the fact that she has to give us details later in order to ensure security. She sounds like she's in a highly dangerous environment, which could be a threat to the country." Mycroft answered and I scoffed. 

"Missing something, as usual, brother mine. She works with Tony Stark, you also think she may be a government agent from that SHIELD. Of course she can't say much." I replied. Mycroft huffed. "Still, I do agree about the dangerous environment. But I think she can take care of herself." I said, going to my feet. "And with that, I must be off. Good day." I swept out the door.

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