Being Grateful

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So I'm so sorry I haven't added a new part of this in forever but things have been quite busy.  Yet we should always take time for God.  I'm glad to be back though!

This morning my Bible study was about being grateful.  It was a devotional by Joel Osteen and something he said really stuck with me and I wanted to share it with all of you. 

Someone out there is worse off than you are.  You don't like school? A kid kid somewhere in the world would love to have the chance to get educated and go to school.  Parents frustrate you? Somewhere is an orphan who would give anything to have parents to discipline them again. 

Stuck in traffic? Someone would love to have a car like yours.  Don't like your house? There's a homeless person out there who would give anything to live in your house.  Maybe you dislike the food you ate today or your job.  Someone is going without food today and what you just ate is a feast to them and someone out there is unemployed and would love to have your job. 

Someone somewhere wants what you have and they're worse off than you are.  We all go through bad circumstances but there's always something to thank God for. 

You wake up every morning.  You're alive.  There's a sun and birds and beautiful nature.  Sunrises and sunsets. 

When we stop looking at the things we don't have and start thinking God for what He has blessed us with not only does it help us realized that we really are blessed but it fills us with joy. 

What are you thankful for today?

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