29.6. Emil Forsberg

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So, you're really going to break up with me because of a stupid football match?
Kristin was nervous, more than nervous one could also say. Standing in front of her suitcase, she was trying to figure out what to wear. It wasn't something she usually did, but today it was different; she was in a difficult situation.

Sweden was going to be playing against Germany or in other words, her fiance was going to be playing against her home country.

Sighing, Kristin took out the two jerseys -the yellow one from Sweden and Germany's white one- and placed them on the bed next to her.

Emil had already left for a last training session with his teammates, leaving his fiancée alone to weigh up her options; she didn't want to hurt him, but she also couldn't just support the team that was going up against the country she had grown up in.

"I didn't think it would be so difficult," She quietly said to herself, mentally condemning the whole situation, while her fingers were running over the soft material from the two jerseys.

The clock was ticking on as she stood in the middle of the hotel room and there was no way that she could delay the decision any further because she would have to leave for the stadium, better sooner than later.

Taking a deep breath, Kristin reached out towards Germany's jersey and quickly got changed before she could change her mind again.

Although the way to the stadium wasn't long, it felt like forever to her and eventually, she started regretting her decision, thinking that maybe it would have been better to not wear any jersey at all, but it was too late for that now.

The teams were walking onto the pitch just as Kristin took her seat in the area that was reserved for the players' families. Since many people knew who she was, they were looking at her oddly, but she just shrugged it off and tried to focus on the match instead.

When Emil looked up to where she was sitting, she saw a little bit of disappointment in his eyes, however she still smiled sweetly and waved at him.

The match wasn't that exciting in the beginning, but it got more and more nerve-wracking as time went on. Kristin was on the edge of her seat the whole time, hoping that Germany would find a way to win this game because otherwise they'd have to fear being kicked out of the World Cup before the round of the last 16.

Finally, all of the pressure and strain was relieved as Toni Kroos scored in the 95th minute, securing three points for Germany. Jumping up to applaud for her team, Kristin found herself looking right into her fiance's sad eyes.

Guilt started creeping up to her at the sight of him and his teammates, but there was nothing anybody could have done anymore as the referee blew the final whistle.

Quickly taking out her phone, she sent a message to him, hoping to be able to cheer him up.

«That was a great fight out there. I'm very proud of you! Jag älskar dig💛»

As time went on and Kristin didn't receive an answer, she decided to leave the stadium and wait for him in the hotel room, instead of pointlessly standing around and waiting for a reply.

She became more and more confused because even though it was already past midnight when she finished everything she could do to kill time, there still wasn't any sight of Emil.

"What could he be doing?" She asked herself, while starting to get ready to go to bed, tiredness overcoming her, causing her to yawn.

«When will you be coming back? I'm worried.»

Like the message before, this one wasn't answered, causing Kristin to really start thinking about what could have happened as she got into the bed. The most likely theory was that the coach simply wanted to talk to his players after they had lost the match, but maybe there was something else.

After some more waiting, she couldn't do anything against the tiredness anymore; her eyes just closed and her head sank into the pillow without her being able to do anything against it.

The next time she woke up was when she heard the door closing loudly, causing her to groan before she realized what had happened and quickly sat up to see Emil standing in front of her.

"You're back!" Kristin exclaimed, but her happiness died down as soon as she looked into his eyes; he wasn't looking at her lovingly like he usually did, instead he seemed disappointed, sad and also angry.

Thinking that he was feeling like this because of the defeat, she slowly got out of bed and walked towards him, reaching out of comfort her fiance, but he took a step back and avoided looking into her eyes.

Taken aback by his behaviour, Kristin didn't know what to say, so she just stayed silent instead, waiting for him to tell her the reason behind the way he was acting.

"How could you do this?" Emil asked after a while, slightly shaking his head before finally looking up into his fiancée's confused eyes, "I thought you'd love me, I thought you'd support me."

"I-," She started, but than realized what he was talking about, which made her narrow her eyebrows, "You can't really think that I don't love you just because I cheered for my country. That's redicilous."

"It's not redicilous to expect my future wife to support me."

"I just-"

"Give it back to me."

Emil stretched out his hand, seemingly thinking that Kristin would know what he was talking about, while she felt utterly confused.

"What do you mean?"

Without saying anything, he just gestured towards her hand, causing her to feel like her heart was breaking into thousands of pieces. Tears started brimming in her eyes as she looked at her engagement ring one last time before passing it over to Emil.

"You're really going to break up with be because of a stupid football match?"

Not expecting him to answer, Kristin turned around quickly, got the Swedish jersey out of her suitcase and tossed it over to him.

"I guess I don't deserve this either if you really feel like I don't support or love you enough."

Without waiting for his reply, she turned around because she didn't want him to see the tears which were continuously running down her cheeks, and walked out of the hotel onto the streets.

Walking along the road, she was trying to find a taxi, but the young woman was soon stopped as she heard a voice behind her, a voice she desperately had hoped to hear.

"Kristin, wait!" Emil called out and a few seconds later, she felt him taking her hand, stopping her from walking any further, "Please listen to me, just a minute;

I am so, so sorry for everything I said to you. I honestly don't know what came over me to say things like that. I truly didn't mean any of it, I was just so disappointed because we lost and I thought that winning tonight was our only chance to not be eliminated in the Group stage. You are the most supportive girlfriend anyone could ever have and I'm the so glad to have you by my side. Ich liebe dich, Kristin. Jag älskar dig. I love you."

Tears were forming in her eyes again as she heard those words and saw him getting down on one knee in front of her, holding out the engagement ring.

Without thinking about it for a second, Kristin stretched out her hand, allowing him to slip the ring onto her finger again.

"That's where it is supposed to be," He whispered, placing both of his hands on her cheeks and slowly leaning in.

Before their lips could meet, Kristin backed away slightly, looking directly into his eyes. "Promise me you'll never be like that again."

"I do," He replied, causing her to finally smile as he closed the remaining distance between the two of them.

"Jag älskar dig så mycket."

Happy Birthday, @LucyReus 🎉
I wish you all the best and hope that you enjoyed reading this one shot which is my little present to you💛

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