4.7. Olivier Giroud

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I hate surprises.
Laura slowly opened her eyes, a bright smile was visible on her face; today would be a great day. The sun was shining, the birds chirping and on top of it all, it was her birthday.

Looking to the side, she saw that the bed beside her was empty, causing a frown to form on her face for a second before she smiled again.

"Maybe he's already downstairs," She mumbled to herself, quickly changed into one of Olivier's jerseys and walked down the stairs to see that the living room was empty as well.

She felt disappointmetnnt creeping up to her because of her boyfriend's absence and started to wonder whether he could have forgotten that it was her birthday today.

Laura had never told Olivier about it, but she had been looking forward to spending this day with him for months.

Sighing, she looked around one more time and saw a small note laying on the table, immediately recognizing Olivier's messy handwriting.

«I had to leave early for a training session. Hope you have a good day.»

"I can't believe this," Laura breathed out, while slowly shaking her head, "He really forgot about it."

Tears were forming in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away, determined to not break down crying on her birthday.

'I don't need him to have fun,' She thought silently, rushed into the bedroom she shared with Olivier and got changed into something else before taking her phone and leaving the house.

Her first destination was her favourite bakery where she and Olivier often went to eat breakfast. After quickly ordering something to eat at the counter, she took her food and sat down at the usual table in the corner, immediately noticing the rose standing in the centre.

«You didn't really think I forgot your birthday, did you?»

Laura couldn't help, but chuckle at the note attached to the rose, her heart speeding up slightly in her chest and relief washing over her.

"He knows me too well," She whispered quietly to herself and looked up to see Olivier standing in front of her, a big grin spread out on his face.

Without saying anything, he leaned down to place his hands on her cheeks and his lips on top of hers.

"Happy Birthday, Laura!" He exclaimed after they had broken apart and he had sat down in front of her, taking her hands in his, "I love you."

"I love you, too, idiot."

"You really thought I had forgotten about you, didn't you?"

Blushing, Laura looked down at the plate in front of her and bit her lip, causing her boyfriend to laugh quietly.

"I'd never do that," He ensured her, smiling slightly before he looked down at his watch, "You should hurry up now, sweetheart."

"Why? Did you plan anything?"

Olivier just shrugged his shoulders in response, making his girlfriend roll her eyes.

"I hate surprises," She said, but he just continued chuckling and gestured for her to start eating.

Half an hour later, Laura found herself sitting blindfolded next to Olivier in the car. It had taken him a while to convince her, but after 10 minutes of talking, she had finally accepted the blindfold.

"You'll love this surprise, I promise."

Sighing, Laura leaned against the window, but she felt the excitement building up nevertheless, especially since she didn't have any idea at all about where he was taking her.

After what felt like forever, Olivier finally stopped the car and opened the door for his girlfriend a minute later.

"Are you ready?" He asked, taking the blindfold off of her eyes before she could even answer.

Laura had to blink a few times, but after some seconds she was able to identify the building in front of them.

"We're at the airport?"

Without answering, Olivier took her hand and guided her through the halls, until he stopped in front of an empty terminal.

Laura couldn't believe her eyes as she saw their destination spelled out on a board in front of them. "We're going home?"

Tears started brimming in her eyes once again, but this time they were happy tears. Laura hadn't seen her family in forever and being able to spend her birthday with them was a dream coming true.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around Olivier who slightly lifted her off the ground and kissed her.

"Anything for my girl," He replied as he sat her down again and his hands found their way to her cheeks, "Happy Birthday, Laura!"

Happy Birthday edenhazardous!
I wish you all the best and hope that you have an amazing day with your family and lots of cake🎉💛

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