Chapter 19

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RD: why does that step mother always want to be listened......and she won't listen to her daughter's wish!!

TS: I has to stop

FS: but she's a mother

AJ: a grumpy mother

Rarity: we got to do something....

Before can Rarity finish her words a loud knock was heard....

RD: is that her?

TS: let's go

The main five open the door and saw a strange.....girl....having a ponytail hair...fancy looking dress....and a doll shoes...

TS: who are you?

Girl: I'm Pinkie's real mother and I cane here to get her...I missed her so much

Main five: *stare at each other confusedly*

So when the main five believed..they give Pinkie to the strange girl as they thought she's Pinkie's real mother....

RD: why do I have a bad feeling about this?

TS: I feel like we made a huge mistake


Girl: here you go Lavender

Lavender: good...very..good

Pinkie: please...not now...I don't feel so good

Lily: *tied up in the pole* PINKIE!!! RUN QUICK!!!

Pinkie: *weak voice* Lily?

Lavender: you're done *stab Pinkie on the back*

Pinkie: *gasp* *collapse on the ground*


And with caught RD's attention...she and Pinkie have a connection on each other and if they are far from each other..their element will warn them if something bad happened to her or Pinkie....

RD: Pinkie's in trouble let's go!!!!

TS: how did she....

AJ: they're hearts

Rarity: wow.....

So in the last village,the main five arrives....but when RD's trying to open the's locked

RD: I can't open it...

TS: why are you in a hurry RD?


TS: let me unlocked it *used unlocking spell on the door and it opens*

The main five walked in and saw Pinkie lying on the ground...

RD: Pinkie!!!! *lift Pinkie's head and try to wake her up* hey can you hear me?

Lavender is about to attack the girls but AJ quickly notice her and made a huge shield...

TS: what is wrong with that girl?

RD: Pinkie Pie wake up *put my hand on her neck to feel the temperature and she's still warm*

TS: I'll go get Lily

Ruby: no you won't *block Twilight's path*

TS: *teleport at the back of Ruby and run towards Lily*

Ruby: what the...they're all magicals??

Lily: *crying*

TS: Lily lets go

Lily: Twilight *hug TS*

TS: *we both teleport back to where the others are*

RD: let's go back guys *we all teleport back in the castle*

Lily: thank you

RD: *try to perform healing spell for the first time and it worked*

Pinkie: *eyes flutters* D..Dashie?

RD: Pinkie thank goodness *hug Pinkie but she still have a fever.....I really need to learn more about healing spells* need to rest *carry Pinkie and put her in the bed*

TS: that mother needs to be stop...she's crazy

Lily: she's always crazy....if we won't do what she want..she'll kill us...

RD: we need to report to Queen Celestia

AJ: Twilight's right...this powers can be handy

So then....

Q.Celestia: that girl can be dangerous to the villagers....she need to be throw in the dungeon or bring her to the mental hospital...she's out of control

RD: let's bring her to the mental hospital *scratch head*

TS: great idea thanks your majesty *bows*

So they went to the village to get Lavender and they worked together to bring Lavender to the hospital and they arrived and leave her there.....

TS: *phew*

FS: we did it woohoo

RD: now let's go back to the castle

They all went back to the castle and take care of Pinkie and Lily...until a letter has been brought to the castle...Twilight reads it and shocked....

To be continued...

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