Chapter 20

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FS: whats wrong Twilight?

TS: bad

AJ: why?

TS: *read the scroll* to all royalties..I need your help in nature kingdom...a mysterious girl is trying to take over the kingdom and I really need your help

FS: nature kingdom?

AJ: I never heard of it before

Rarity: me either

TS: where can this be found?

AJ: RD's good at places maybe she know where that kingdom is

TS: let's go talk to her

At Pinkie's room....

RD: okay I found one

Pinkie: *happy* really?

RD: I'll try this spell *perform a healing spell*

TS: *knocked at the door* Dash? Pie?

RD: *stops* come in

The main four went in....

Pinkie: hi girls *grin*

TS: Hi Pinkie

AJ: Dash, do ya know where nature kingdom is?

RD: it was located at the end of the everfree'll see a trail of glowing gemstone and at the end of it is the nature kingdom...why?

TS: we received a scroll and it's from nature saids that they need our help

RD: that's new.....but we can't go there if Pinkie's sick....

FS: oh right..the healing is not yet done *continue healing Pinkie*

TS: we leave Lily in charge in the castle

RD: you sure about that?

TS: yup

FS: it's done

So then..the journey begins....

TS: there's the trail of glowing gemstone

RD: *flying without watching my way* it's got to be here S-

Lightning bolt: WATCH OUUTT!!!



RD: ow....

Lightning Bolt: I'm so so sorry Dash

RD: it's okay Lightning

TS: two know each other?

RD: she's my friend..we met here at the forest since we was kid

Pinkie: she looks like a boy 0.0

Lightning: yeah...but I'm still a decided to style my hair into bobby and boyish cause he want me to be a prince...

RD: you're a prince now?

Lightning: yeah

RD: me too!!

Lightning: oh wow!!

RD: dad replaced me as the ruler of the castle...

Peachy Lime: hiii!!!! Uhh..Bolty..who are they?

Pinkie: Bolty??? Is it me or that girl is like me?

Peachy Lime: huh?

RD: she used to call me Dashie

Lightning: she always call me Bolty

Cassandra: HIII!!! I'm Cassandra! This is my bff Peachy Lime and this is my sis Lightning Bolt

TS: hi there this is my friends Rainbow Dash,Pinkie Pie,Apple Jack,Rarity and Fluttershy

Cassandra: oh're like Cadenza..she's very shy....

FS: *smiles*

Cassandra: follow me



Girl: yes ma'am

At nature kingdom...

RD: hey Lightning why are you so close to Peachy?

L.Bolt: what??? No I'm not

RD: hehehe looks like someone has a secret crush

L.Bolt: Cut that out Rainbow!!

Nature: oh thank goodness you arrived

TS: hello

FS: what a beautiful place

Pinkie: Hey

Peachy: hm?

Pinkie: are you my twin?

Peachy: what twin?

Pinkie: us! Cause you're like me and I'm like you

Peachy: oh really? I also notice that Bolty and RD are same....are they twin?

Pinkie: I dunno but...are we lost twins?

Peachy: I'm not sure....but I didn't saw you before

Pinkie: you saw me now

Star Sky: *at the middle of Peachy and Pinkie* you two are twins?

Pinkie and Peachy: NO WE'RE NOT(YES WE ARE)

Pinkie: so we're twins?

Peachy: I dunno

So then....

TS: so how can we help?

Nature: there's a strange girl who's killing every creatures that lives here...we tried to stop her but when we do that she won't stop killing them...

Cassandra: it's hard to face her cause...her dark magic can weak us

L.Bolt: not to me......

Cassandra: because you have that Lightning bolt necklace!!!

L.Bolt: I know..I'm totally awesome

RD: wait what?

Twilight Star: hello there! I'm Twilight Star

T.Sparkle: Twilight...Star?

AJ: uhhhh....are ya two twins?

T.Sparkle: I don't have a twin....

Zahra: hi I'm Zahra princess of-

RD: traveless

Zahra: yeah....hi Dash

RD: hi

Nature: we don't have much time that girl can be anywhere

Girl: hi again

TS: it's her again!!!!


L.Bolt's necklace glowed and it weaken the girl who took Pinkie....


Nature: she's already here.....

Girl: looks like I've been caught

The girl take off her hood and she transform into a wicked villain.....

To be continued....

Prince true love 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें