chapter 1 the feeling

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        Kyra POV

 Kiarah and I were walking to school just talking of randoms things when we past the two people that bully me the most Emma and Jasmine,whenever we get into a fight with them I always get this weird feeling,but I always ignore it,they also made me start cutting,but Kiarah help me stop."Hey Em it's the emo freak" Jasmine shouted  as she started to walk over to me and Kiarah "your right Jas" Emma shouted back.I started to walk faster, but Emma grabbed my arm while Jasmine is holding back Kiarah."I'm surprised you didn't try to do suicide yet you creepy freak"she said while punching over and over again in the face.Creepy freak is my nickname sense I draw people killing others or blood and guts everywhere.I glanced over to Kiarah who is struggling in Jasmine's grip, but bit her hand really hard that blood started to leak from her hand and Jasmine screamed which made her let go of Kiarah while using her other hand to stop the bleeding.Kiarah ran to try and find some help.While Emma was distracted I used all of my strength and punch her straight in the face.After I punched her she fell back but I got up and yelled "YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME, MAYBE IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO TASTE YOUR OWN MEDICINE".Then got on top of her and reapeatedly started to punch and kick."Please I will stop,please just stop"Emma pleaded."NO YOU NEED TO LEARN YOUR LESSON"I said laughing like a maniac.I was about to punch her again till Kiarah came back and held me down while two teachers picked up Emma(Jasmine ran away after Kiarah bit her)and carried back to the school and I am still laughing or smiling like a maniac."Kyra are you OK?"Kiarah ask me,"I'm not OK, I'm great"I replied back."Kyra calm down ok" "OK i'm calm" "OK what happened" "I-I don't know but i liked to see the pain while I punched her,the blood running out of her mouth and nose"I said while grinning creepily again.

        Kiarah POV(short)

After I bit Jasmine I ran to the school trying to find an adult "HELP MY FRIEND IS GETTING BEATEN UP, HURRY!!!!!!'"I yelled.Then two adults came sprinting towards me"OK where is she?" "just follow me"I told them than ran out of the building to fine Kyra on top of Emma beating the shit out of her.I ran up to her and held her back while the two teachers started to carry Emma back to the school.'WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED HERE'I thought in my head."Kyra are you OK?"I asked "I'm not ok,I'm great"she replied back with a sick grin on her face 'OK this is getting weirder by the second,oh look there is a blue bird on that tree WAIT focus on Kyra 'I yelled in my head.(kiarah has ADHD)."Kyra calm down OK" "OK i'm calm" "OK what happened" "I-I don't know but i liked to see the pain while I punched her,the blood running out of her mouth and nose"she said while she started to grin like a lunatic again'what is happening to her'I thought.

Authors note

hey guys kyra here I want you to know that this is fiction so i'm not abused i have a nice family and i have more than 1 friend but kiarah is a real friend ok.she also has a wattpad acout she already has some books out and her name is PraetorReyna101.

there will be a new update every day until i finish the book.

and i might right another story

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