chapter 6 the meet up

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        Kyra POV (torturer now)

After killing my pathetic excuse of a father I ran straight into the woods that was behind my dad's house.I found a decent tree and started to climb it 'I know i'm going to stay here till the police leave the house'I thought.I found a sturdy branch and about 5 minutes I was out cold.

        *kyra's dream*

I was running from the police,so I ran into the forest and climbed up a random tree when I saw a blurry figure in the distant,but I shrugged it off thinking it was a  random person going on a walk.I waited about 5 minutes and saw a police man ran past me,so I climbed down and went to opposite direction where the figure was.I heard a bush russel behind me,but I just thought it was a squirrel or something so I just kept on walking.Being the killer that I am,I knew something was following me and I stopped and reached in my hoodie pocket to pull out my knife,when I was pinned against a tree by someone."GO TO SLEEP"the person said,but I know that voice anywhere even if he tried to disguised it "JEFF".

        *end of dream*

Thats when I woke up panting and sweating'what the heck,Jeff looks exactly like me,like how Kiarah said we looked alike,but he has a full cut smile and both of his eyelids are burned off'I thought.I started to think of me and Jeff before the accident,we were so close and I miss him,but if he knew that I was a killer he would run away.I climbed down the tree and started to walk around,hoping to find a decent place to make a camp.        

        (time skip to night)

After finishing my little camp,I knew I have to go out killing tonight,because that feeling was back and it is a good thing I know the way out of this forest.I was walking on the side walk,when I saw the perfect house.It was a one story house,so I know there was a decent amount of people there.I climbed to the top window and opened up the window,i'm not surprised they don't leave there window locked,they just make my job easier.When I got inside the room I saw a young boy,probably about 10 years old sleeping peacefully,but not for long.I crept up to him and crawled on top of him,grabbing my knife from my pocket and using my free hand to cover his mouth before he screams,the moment my hand touched his mouth he woke up.He saw my knife and he started to cry"ssh........just remember,there is no other way out"with that I stabbed him in the chest a couple times then slit his throat for good measures and cut an 's' on both of his cheeks.I looked across the hall way to find just two doors one was the rest room so the next room is the parents room.When I opened the door,I only saw the mom so the parents are divorced.I jumped on the mom and covered he mouth with my hand"THERE IS NO OTHER WAY OUT"I kinda yelled and slit her throat and cut an 's' on both of her cheeks.The 's' is for my new name,the silencer.Just for the night i'm going to stay here,this place is actually pretty nice the t.v has cable so I know what i'm going to be doing all night.I turned on the t.v and the last show that was on was the news"beware there are two killers on the loose"the person said,I knew I was one of them but who is the other one.I just shrugged it off and started to fall asleep on the couch.I sleep with this little patch covering the eye that doesn't have any eyelids so i don't stay up all night.I woke up around nine and just sat there all day watching t.v tell I feel asleep again,I decided i'm going to stay here a couple days.Later I woke up from a sound of a window opening upstairs'it's probably the other killer'I thought,I grabbed the knife that was on the table in front of me and made my way upstairs.I heard shuffling in the boys room,I grabbed the handle gently and quietly opened the door and saw the person looking at the body in shock,then jumped on the person,pinning them down to the floor,I spun the person around so I can see there face.When he looked up I gasped and jumped off of him,at first he looked surprised like why a person just jump off a killer instead of keeping him down,thats when he looked at my face."K-K-Kyra"he said surprised,"J-J-Jeff"I said back equally surprised."I thought I would never see you again"he said while tackling me into a hug,at first I was to surprised to move,but then I hugged back"me to"I said and pulled apart from the hug."So your the other killer","wait your a killer"he said shocked,"why yes I am meet the silencer"I said chuckling,"why hello silencer I am Jef the killer"he replided back while bowing,then we just bursted out laughing.After a while we just kept on talking about random things like what do we say before our victims die or who was our first kill."Hey Kyra can I ask you something","ask away"I said,

"well I want to know if you would like to........................

        Authors note

hahahahahaha I leave you off with a cliff hanger

what will Jeff ask Kyra?

what will be her answer?

find out in the new chapter tomorrow and i'm just kidding and I don't regret leaving you off on a cliff hanger

don't forget to leave a comment and I will respond to it and yes I did change the name of the story because I'M UNTAMABLE.

so ya bye people~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;p

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