Texting and driving

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I wake up to the flight attendant waking me up telling me to put my table up, and to buckle my seat belt for landing. I look at my sweet home Mississippi. I was the last off the plane and got a taxi to my house.
      I arrived home and shockingly no one was home. I grabbed the keys to my car and wrote a note and stuck it to the key holder.
       " I'm home early. Went on a run to target, see yall later."

I hop in my car and as I leave the drive way I plug my dead phone into the charger. The phone comes on as I look a lot the screen.

(6) miss calls from Nash
(12) miss calls from Shawn
(2) miss calls from Taylor

Nash text:
Where are you

-Gabby where are you
- gabby answer
-why aren't you answering
-gabby I need to know your safe

I decided to text Shawn back so I don't worry them anymore than I already am.

GABBY- I'm fine everyone. Thought it would be best if I left earlier to see my family.

I set my phone down and look up at the road and see myself going head first into a tree...

Uhhhh ohhhh

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