Travel day

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Hi ,
My name is Emily . I'm 18 years old and as of today , I'm no longer living the east coast life style. Your probably wondering where I'm going. Well, I'm going to live in California. I got accepted into UCLA. My mother passed away 3 years ago from a heart disease of some sort so it's just been me and my dad since.
It's 7 am and you've been up since 6.
*You get a text message from your dad*
Dad: Emily hurry up, we are going to miss our flight !
You read it and grabbed the last bag on your bed. As you stood in the door way taking one last long look at your childhood room. You painted over the walls in here so many times. You looked at the empty walls and turned and walked out. You walked downstairs and said goodbye to Stacy your dog and grabbed an apple. You headed for the door not looking back. You jumped into the car and like that , you were gone.

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