Pizza ready.

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   "Dad can we go get pizza for breakfast? It's the day I move into college and I really want some pizza!" You ask as you start waking him up. Today's the day you move into your college dorm room at UCLA. Oh what fun. You get ready throwing your hair into a bun. You pulled out your camera and start talking.
"AW shit guess who's back? That's right your girl Em." You said while laughing "CONTINUING THE VIDEO PLEASE. Well guys as you can tell I'm not in my normal setting. That's right I'm in a hotel. Do you guys know why? BECAUSE ITS COLLEGE MOVE IN DAYYYYYYY!" You said being all  weird. "And guess what your girl is getting for breakfast, SOME PIZZA!" Again you screamed. "You have a passion for pizza" your father said as he walked in on you recording. You finish up talking to your camera. You vlogged leaving the hotel, driving and even pulling into the pizza place.
"So what's your favorite thing about California?" Your father asked.
You could feel your tears in your eyes. You and your mother use to take trips out here every two years.
"The views, the ocean, mom." You said the last part quiet as possible because you didn't want your father to hear. But he did.
"Honey I know how much your mother loved this place. It was her second home." He said and you started to smile. You held onto the necklace that was given to you by your mother and started to eat.

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