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Hello im back!!

So on Monday we had a whole school assembly and there was one specific part of the asembly that made me question what this deputy was saying. So we were all sitting down listening to whatever was being said and at the end of the assembly one of the deputies comes up to the podium and says the following (i dont remember exactly what was said but i will write down what i remember):

So before we go off to lunch i would like to adress some matters.

#1. No phones in class. I have been told by teachers that students dont put their phones away in class when they are told to (well thats what i heard)

#2. (This was the one that made me question her thinking) you guys need to keep your hands off of people this includes: touching, punching, hitting and HUGGING.

Okay so i get the hitting and punching but the one i dont undersand is why are we not allowed tohug other people like its not a crime to hug someone unless you want to strangle them then dont hug them but like what you guys are friends or dating are you not allowed to hug them like come on seriously.

Then today at lunch me and Mady had our arms around eachother and my other friend and her boyfriend were hughing eachother and all of a sudden a midget teacher comes and says "hands off" and i already heard it enough so Mady hugs me and the teacher just looks at us and walks away. If i had a dollar for everytime a teacher has said hands off in the past few days i would be rich. Me and my friends were talking and we were like these teachers are probably saying this because they are lonely.

Comment what your thoughts are about this. Is the teacher right or is it just plain stupid

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