I Fangirled in a shop...

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So today i was at a mall with my grandparents and my little sister. My little sister and i wanted to go to a shop that sold all these cool things so we did. We started looking around and being weird in the store. After 5 or 10 minutes we wanted to ask my Nan if we could buy something with the money she brought us so we went out of the store and went and looked for my nan. While we were walking around looking really lost we found her sitting by herself so we went and sat down and asked her if we could buy something she said yes we could so me and my sister went back to the store and started looking for something that we wanted but we only had a little bit of money so i saw this bear that looked really cute so i asked her if shewanted it and she said sure, so we went to the counter but when we were in the shop music was playing and it was kpop songs and the song that as on was a Got7 song but i dont know which song and as we were going to pay another song came on and when i heard the song i froze and started jumping around and fangirling and i think i embarresed my sister b i didnt care i LOVED this song. The song that was playing was 'The Truth Untold by BTS!!!' I wanted to cry because i was so happy and surprised but excited. I looked like a weirdo fangirling but i didnt care at all. The sad thing was that we had to leave and i didnt want to because i wanted to listen to that beautiful song but i couldnt. But im happy that they played one of BTS's songs so im thankful.

So thats my short story of how i most likely embarressed myself in a shop but it was worth it😄

Tell me in the comments if you have been to a store or place where a BTS song was playing and what song it was.

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