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Okay i think i may owe you guys an explanation for why i have been so depressed lately and why i have been writing such depressing stuff and the reason is this.

So the past week i havent been doing the best and thats because me and Mady broke up and the reason for this is because i knew what i was doing was wrong and my family found out because i told my aunty and then she told me that she wanted me to break it off with Mady in the next few days and when she said that i started to bawl my eyes out because i didnt want to break up with Mady because i knew i was going to either hurt her or lose her and i didnt want that to happen. So the reason for why my aunty wanted me to break up with Mady was because she knew what i was doing was wrong and also she didnt want to keep it from my mum so she told my family. When they found out they werent mad they were more shocked because they didnt expect it.

So after 20 minutes of me sitting in my room crying because i was scared of what was going to haen my mum called me into the front and that was when i cried again (i cried alot that night).

They sat me down and started telling me alot of things about why and how i was c and then they were telling me how it was wrong for me to date a girl. I was really upset and annoyed because i just wanted them to except me but they didnt. They said they didnt think it was right and all that stuff and i knew where they were coming from but i still have feelings for Mady and it hurts me to know that i hurt her and that i may have just lost my bestest friend even thugh she is saying that i didnt. I still blame myself for this and i cant deal with it.

Im sorry for the other thing i wrote i am just not in a good mindset right now and it will take a really long time for me to get over this but i will be okay. Thank you to all of you that have been concerened for me and that are telling me that i will be okay and that you are all here for me i really appreciate it and that means alot that you guys care.

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