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Jisung waited patiently at the airport for his dad. No, his dad wasn't coming back from his exotic trip to the US. Well, technically, he was; but he barely stepped foot off the plane.

Sure, he flew there, but that was it.
His dad was a pilot. And because retched summer break had just started, he had been forced to spend almost all his nights in the over air-conditioned, sterilized airport.

He typed away on his MacBook, trying to find a nice game to play to pass his time.

He had finally found a game after hours of searching before finding a game with only 7 slots left.

He signed up quickly, not thinking twice about the personal questions.

He waited for a while before getting a notification on his phone.

Unknown has sent you a message!

UNKNOWN: Hello, Ji! Welcome to interactive dream game 'Fighter'! Thank you for becoming our test subject. Press 1 to deactivate your dream fighter account.


You: I wanna play!!!!

KICKASS GAME: Request invalid! Thank you for choosing 'Fighter' !


Jisung was finally home, surrounded by his giant Gudetama plushies and many more nameless plushes that were just too cute to let slip.

He was pooped. Even though he did nothing, he was just exhausted from all his continuous clicking on his MacBook.

But he couldn't complain, he caught up on his favorite J-Drama, Mischievous Kiss.

He decided to text his best-friend, Hyunjin.

porkboy: hyunjinne hyung!!!!!

hyungjin:what's with all the damn '!'s ?

porkboy: bc I just found this new game!

hyungjin: w o a h...

porkboy: just from reading that I can sense the sarcasm

Jisung was cut off by a new message, but this time on his laptop.


"P-Park Jisung..." he muttered to himself, fear striking through him. He didn't put his first name in, let alone his last.

He saw a small pixelated character, with small 'z's around their vibrant blue hair, with the same black got7 shirt and black sweatpants as him.

He could even see the small red pixel beside BamBams head , where he drew a heart by it.

He felt a wave of sleep washing over him, but just continued to stare at the pixelated character.

He shakily brought his index finger to the space bar, pressing it softly.

Instantly, he was asleep.

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