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RENJUN sat in his favorite cafe, STRAWBERRY ROSÉ, which his mom owned. It was a small cute cream colored shop on the corner of a small town in china.

He clacked away on his keyboard, wondering how the new game he downloaded was going to work.

He was skeptical already, seeing as he entered many personal things about himself; like his height, phone number and location.

But, he just waited, powerlessly drinking his small matcha iced tea. He observed the people walking in and out, until he heard a small 'ping!'

Unknown has sent you a message!

UNKNOWN: Hello, Ren! Welcome to interactive dream game 'Fighter'! Thank you for becoming our test subject. Press 1 to deactivate your dream fighter account.


You:  1

FIGHTER: Request invalid! Thank you for choosing 'Fighter' !

Renjun's eyes bulged as he stared at the screen in-front of him.
'Test subject'

He didn't want to be a test subject, not at all.

– 🍓–

Renjun had returned home after drinking a whopping 3 grande triple-shot caffeinated matcha-strawberry coffees; he was not going to fall asleep.

But unfortunately that day, Renjun learned, that coffee, works like shit. He was buzzed and running all the way home, but as soon as he closed his room door, he was sluggish and tired.

"Did I not drink 3 grande coffees? Why am I so tired?" Renjun whispered to himself as he undressed himself and prepared for his nap. He placed his laptop bag on his desk, before stripping off all his clothes and searching through his closet for the comfiest outfit.

He settled on his baby pink sweat-shorts and a oversized white shirt.

Once he finished getting dressed, he approached his desk and sat on the plush swiveling chair. He pulled his laptop and phone out, powering them both on.

Once his eyes fell to the laptop, he felt faint.
A small pixelated character on his screen, that looked exactly like him, down to the little bit of sweat-short that peeked out, to the vibrancy of his hair.


He stared at the name. He did not type in Renjun, and he knows that for a fact. He jammed the power button, before slamming his laptop shut and climbing into bed.

"First mission, my ass." Renjun mumbled grumpily as he settled into his blankets, clutching his moomin plushie tightly.

He wouldn't admit to anyone, but 'FIGHTER' kind of scared him.

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