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Jaemin wasn't bored, not at all. In fact, he was swamped with work from his English course, he just refused to do it.

It didn't need to be done, so why do it? Jaemin, despite his procrastination, was a perfectionist. Every letter had to be written in a robotic perfection and his voice was left in a gathered even tone.

Every thing about him screamed 'neat!' but to everyone's surprise, he was a slob. His work and appearance never showed it, but his room was a mess and so was his mind.

His deadlines were seemingly years away, but he was still stressed about it, and this game was his supposed 'break'.

His room was messy beyond belief, he could barely see his floor; but he still managed to sit on his laptop and click away on its keys.

He was a bit taken back by the games personal questions, but 'FIGHTER' seemed like a game Jaemin wouldn't let slip through his fingers.

He thrives on action and suspense, and from the realistic pictures he knew he would love it.

He sat scrolling through Tumblr as he waited for the game to download, and was surprised by the generic 'ping' of his phone.

Unknown has sent you a message!

UNKNOWN: Hello, Min! Welcome to interactive dream game 'Fighter'! Thank you for becoming our test subject. Press 1 to deactivate your dream fighter account.


You:  1

FIGHTER: Request invalid! Thank you for choosing 'Fighter' !

Even though Jaemin was excited for the game, he refused to become a "test subject". 

There was no way that he was going to be a test subject. He won't participate in anything having to do with this game, and felt a bit dumb for downloading it.

He closed his laptop and snuggled further into his bed and took a nap.


When Jaemin woke up, he couldn't help but tsk at himself. It was almost 12:40 am when he woke up, and knew that his sleep schedule for the week was far down the drain.

He opened his laptop, blinded by the screen but entered his password nonetheless; but for the second time that night, he was confused.


On the screen was a small pixelated character with brown hair seeming to be sticking up, matching his own, a small question mark above him. His clothes were identical, black sweater and black sweatpants.

...It was him, in the game. But his fingers began to shake in fear when reading his full name in the big pixelated letters at the top.

'Na Jaemin'
He knew that he didn't put in his full name, so how did the game know?

He refused to play the game right?...but he pressed the space button nonetheless, letting curiosity blind his actions.

But he couldn't think much more about it, because he was out cold.

fighter ; nct dreamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon