Spinner x Reader: Games

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A Spinner oneshot was requested ages ago so...here it is yaaay! I'm so sorry it's so late, but I hope you all enjoy this fluff. Enjoy!

Playing video games with Spinner was no joke, no it was more like a war. And since he was crazy good at them you sometimes had to play dirty to win. Luckily for you he was pretty easy to fluster.

Right now you two were neck in neck in Mario Kart, but he was slowly overtaking you and it was looking like you were going to have to distract him.

"Yesss, looks like I'm gonna win this one y/n!" he exclaimed happily, his eyes wide with excitement at what he thought was going to be a sure victory. But before he could make a crucial turn in the game you leaned in and gave his cheek a quick kiss. He gasped aloud, and promptly crashed into a wall which gave you the perfect chance to get ahead of him and finish the race in first place.

"I guess we can't all be winners babe, sorry."

"Y-You cheated! T-That's not fair!" He said, his cheeks reddening the more his eyes looked into yours. You winked and placed your controller on the other side of the couch so it was out of the way.

"Oh Shuichi..." you purred lowly, loving the way his mouth hung open when you used his first name, "don't you know all's fair in love and war." You chuckled and kissed his other cheek lightly.

"I-I...um..." he stammered, his grip on the game controller tightening ever so slightly. "I demand a rematch then! N-No holds barred!" 

Him saying that ignited the competitive fire in you so you agreed wholeheartedly to a rematch. You both picked up your controllers and he started the game.


You both were off and driving, passing most of the npc's quickly. Spinner was slightly ahead of you but you were planning on making him crash as soon as you got the opportunity. But Spinner was thinking a few steps ahead.

"Hey y/n..."

"W-What?" you replied, trying not to lose focus.

"I love you so much." he said, "You're the perfect one for me."

"A-Ah...I..." you spluttered, blushing darkly at his words. You promptly flew off the track, putting you down in third place. "N-No fair..."

"Oh, I think all's fair in love and war right?" Spinner replied, grinning wickedly. You huffed and tried to finish the game with as much dignity as possible but you still ended up in fifth place.

"Damn it...ugh why did that throw me off so much?" you complained after it was over. Spinner laughed at you, a faint blush tinging his scaled cheeks.

"Maybe it's cause you love me that much. How embarrassing for you y/n."

"I do love you...but don't push it." you said, your voice firm and deadly serious. Spinner's eyes widened with slight fear, knowing exactly what you were capable of when you were pissed off. "How about a rematch then?"

"I-I thought you'd never ask." 

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