Mustard x Reader: Natural

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What a weird name for a villain lmao. He was requested and since this is my fanfiction I will age him up a bit to 16 and he was never captured by the heroes, so he's still with the League. Enjoy!

"You need to relax y/n, and stand up a bit straighter too. Don't be nervous when handling a firearm, be confident about it." Mustard's dark brown eyes stared into yours and your grip tightened on the small grey revolver. It was his signature weapon and you knew what it was capable of. He walked behind you and gently placed his hands on your shoulder.

The League had recently moved hideouts and this one had a shooting range, so Mustard had taken it upon himself to teach you everything about firearms. The small 38 revolver that he used had become his signature weapon (besides his sleep gas quirk of course). His marksmanship skills were above everyone else's in the League, but since you two were dating he wanted to share his skills with you.

But shooting a gun was a lot more intense than you had ever imagined. You adjusted the ear muffs on your head, your nerves were starting to get the best of you.

The weight of his hands on your shoulder steadied you and his breath tickled your ear when he spoke softly to you. "Don't tense up your whole hand, just put some pressure on the trigger with your pointer finger. Just shoot once."


"Aim at the target," He said jutting his chin out to the paper target that was hanging about 20 feet away, "then shoot."

You did as he said, took a breath, and pulled the trigger. The sound of the shot echoed throughout the entire room and you instinctively screamed at the noise. Even though you were wearing ear muffs, the sound nearly made you fall over. Mustard's body began to shake with laughter and he clutched his sides in an effort to calm himself.

"Y/n...pffft that was hilarious! It's just a gunshot!" He said, wiping some tears from his eyes. "At least you hit the target though."

"I did?" You didn't even notice if you had or not, the whole ordeal was too stressful. You looked at the target and sure enough you had hit the circular target in the outer ring of it. Not too shabby for your first shot ever. "I-I did! Look at that babe, I'm a natural!"

Mustard wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed his lips to your cheek. "Just wait until you've practiced for a while."

You handed him back the gun and he put it in the hidden pocket of his jacket. He gave you a smirk and ran a hand through his light brown hair. "Love ya Mustard. Thanks for trying to teach me about this stuff. It means a lot to me."

Mustard ruffled your hair playfully, his lips curling into a toothy smile. "You're too cheesy y/n, you're making me blush." He said. You chuckled at him and he planted a quick kiss on the top of your head. "I'm hungry...let's go out today."

You raised an eyebrow at his suggestion because of how risky it could be for two major villains to just walk outside in broad daylight and go out for a meal. But that was why you loved him. He was always down for something a little risky.

"Sure thing, I'll go get changed."

"We should bring the revolver and freak out some stupid people." He suggested with a bright beautiful smile, like he was talking about something romantic and not threatening people.

Hmm, I'm down for risky but that's too much!

"Nah. No thanks."

He shrugged his shoulders in defeat. "Oh well, it was worth a try. Maybe next time?"

You laughed and began to walk out of the range. "Sure. Next time." 

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