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Zoe gradually changed back into her usual clothes, feeling uneasy. Her shirt had blue and white vertical stripes and was lowly cut with a tie at the bottom. She paired them with white trousers and wedged heels.
She picked up her spongebag and walked to the bathroom wiping her tear stained face with a makeup wipe and looking into the mirror before she noticed Jemma and Cloda sitting at the other end.
"Oh- Hey." She Greeted, looking over and seeing them both with red eyes. "Are you alright?"
"Could ask you the same question." Said Jemma, looking at Zoe's tearful eyes.
"Yeah." Sighed Zoë, putting in her contact lenses and blinking before taking out her concealer and dotting it under her eyes to hide the redness. She then pressed on some cream blusher onto the apples of her cheeks to make her look well.
"You haven't seen Mr McCafferson lately have you?" She Asked Jemma and Cloda.
"He was in Ryan's cubical about half an hour ago." Said Jemma.
"Right.." Sighed Zoë, taking out her toothbrush and brushing her teeth.
She looked into the mirror and was drawn down towards her stomach, feeling herself tense.. knowing she was pregnant.
Zoe eventually washed her lips and walked over to Cloda and Jemma.
"Come on guys, what's up?" Asked Zoe,
"It's alright, Miss. We just need time." Said Cloda, "are you okay?"
Zoe shook her head, "I'm just gonna have to keep going." She sighed.

Zoe walked out of the bathroom and back towards Ryan's cubical where Lucy was sitting on her phone and Ryan was fast asleep.
"Oh- Hey." Said Zoe, looking to Lucy, "where has Mr McCafferson gone?"
At that, Ollie walked back in and looked at Zoe with almost disgust.
"He's outside." He muttered, sitting down beside Lucy.
"Right." Said Zoe, looking down and taking a deep breath.
She exited the hospital and saw Martin immediately sitting against the wall of the hospital, looking out.
She sat down beside him,
"Hey." She sighed, not making eye contact.
"Hi." He replied, biting his lip. She could smell that he'd been smoking again, but refused to say anything.
"Did Ollie say anything to you?" Asked Martin,
"Barely- why? You didn't tell him I'm pregnant did you?" Asked Zoë in offence,
"I didn't have to." Muttered Martin.
Zoe stood up and her mouth dropped, "oh my god! I don't even believe you!"
"What? Am I supposed to be super happy about it?" Defended Martin,
"Well you could at least try and support me! It's not you that has to physically appear pregnant and single in front of everyone!"
"Oh- so you're single now?!"
"If I wasn't single my boyfriend would be happy for me!"
"Well your 'boyfriend's wife and daughter just died! What do you expect?!" Yelled Martin,
"I'm the one that is going to have to turn up to my dad's funeral pregnant! And after only knowing you a week! I'm the one who's going to have to go to the man who killed your child's court sentence pregnant with your next child! I'm the one that will give birth to this child and love it for as long as I live and if I have to do it alone then I will! Because it's not all about you, Martin! It's about the baby."
Martin looked over at Zoe before facing the ground,
"Do you have the keys for the van?" Asked Zoë, lowering her tone.
Martin reached into his pocket and handed them to her, watching her walk back into the hospital.
Martin stood up again, just thinking and thinking about what was going to happen to him and Zoe before his phone rang again.
It was Bronagh Watson.
"Hello Bronagh." He answered, trying to sound jollier.
"Hi Martin," She replied, "update me please."
"Ryan's fine. He's recovering really well." Said Martin, saying nothing about Zoe or any of the others.
"And how are you? Get much sleep?" She asked,
"Yeah, a little. I'm alright. How are you?" He asked, not wanting to lie too much about himself.
"Good, good, listen, the staff room sends all their love to you and Zoe." Said Bronagh.
"Oh- haha, thank you." He said, feeling utterly fake.
"But- I have to ask you, are you in private?" She asked him.
Martin looked around him and saw Zoe and the four students following her into the van, he assumed that they were going out for dinner, and he knew he wasn't invited.
"I'm alone, yeah." He replied.
"Martin.. you know the rules about relationships with staff."
Martin's eyes widened, she doesn't know about Zoe does she?
"I do, Bronagh." He told her, sharply.
"I've tried to disregard the photos that were sent to me but- tell me honestly; are you in a relationship with Zoe?"
"No." He replied. Watching the van drive away.
"You've kissed her." Added Bronagh.
"It wasn't a romantic gesture. As I've said before, there is no context to those photos." He replied, sternly.
"Right. Okay- but you only met her just over a week ago, I didn't expect you two to become so close."
A tear streamed down Martin's eye, just knowing that Zoe was pregnant, just knowing how obnoxious he had been and how ignorant to the rules.
"Zoe and I have known each other for about eight years, we went to the same college. But I assure you our relationship has remained professional." He told her.
"I don't have a problem with you being together, but on a school trip.. you know what I'm getting at."
"Bronagh there's been nothing." He defended.
"Do you want to be more than a friend to her?"
"No. Bronagh. No." He told her.
"Is she single?"
"I don't know! Bronagh honestly!"
"I'm sorry, Martin." She apologised.
Martin sighed, leaning against the wall again.
"Is there anything else you want to ask me?" He sighed,
"You know that Zoe is moving to America at the end of the month?"
Martin's mouth dropped slightly,
"Eh.. no." He replied, why didn't she tell me that? How will I see my child? W-what will I do?
"Just something for you to talk to her about." Added Bronagh.
"Alright.. eh.. I've gotta go." He said,
"I'll talk to you later."
"'Kay. Bye."

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