Chapter 4

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AN- from here on its Percy POV unless I say a different POV
Its been about a week since Piper and I left camp. We are running low on food and energy. Because of our combined scents we attract a lot of monsters. We usually only get like 3 or 4 hours of sleep. And we take shifts watching for monsters. It seemed like the monsters are regenerating faster. Because it's the same horde of monsters over and over again. I was on watch for now. About 20 minuets go by and Piper's alarm goes off. She wakes and resets it. "Go to sleep I'll take watch now. You look like you need it more than me." She handed me a mirror. As I looked at my self I was surprised. My eyes were swollen and red from crying and I had bags under my eyes. "Ok fine. Don't have to be so mean." I joked. I rolled over and drifted off into Morpheus's realm.
Pipers POV-

About ten minutes after Percy passed out. I looked over and saw him tossing and turning next to me. Probably nightmares. After about 3 minuets he jumped awake crying and sweating. Screaming "No! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" he mumbled hurriedly "Percy. it's ok. It was just i nightmare. And what are you sorry for."  "Nothing. Just go to sleep I'm fine." "No your not fine. And I'm not sleeping until you talk to me. I'm your friend. I'm always here for you, so speak." I demanded. "Ok fine. I was dreaming about that day. At the beach with Annabeth and Vance. And you." "Why in hades name would you be apologizing and what about me?" I asked concerned. "Well to answer both of your questions.... when you hugged me to calm me down. I looked in your eyes and saw nothing but fear. And I never wanted to scare you. I'm sorry I need to be alone." He whispered the last part. He then got up and left trying, but failing to hold back the tears and the look of guilt on his face. I sat there for a few minutes shocked. I am the one causing his nightmares. I broke down. I have always kinda liked Percy but he was always with Annabeth. That's why me and Jason broke up.
I was sitting on the beach with Jason. We were watching the sun set. I fell asleep in his warm embrace. He woke me up by kissing my neck. "Percy." I moaned. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!" " Uh uh." I stuttered. "Really this entire time you liked Percy. You know I see the way you stare at him, but I brush it off because you told me he was like a brother to you! So what I'm second best." "No I love you Jason..... but I like Percy too." "Well you can go be with Percy then. Bye Piper."
I was startled out of my thoughts as I felt big warm arms embracing me. I realized it was Percy. He was rubbing small circles in my back whispering, "It's ok. It's ok." I broke down even harder. After a few minutes the sun started to rise. I cuddled up to Percy still sniffling. "Since you forced me to to tell me my dream. Your gonna tell me what you are crying about. Like you said I'm your friend and I'm always here for you." " I was crying about Jason." "I thought y'all mutually ended things." "That's not the true story. We broke up because he found out that I liked someone else."
Percy POV-
When she said that she liked someone else my heart dropped. Great another girl I like who doesn't like me back. Over this last week I had developed feelings for Piper. She was beautiful, caring, funny, and loving. She was better than Annabeth because she was kinda like me. Didn't really care what she looked like, even though she was always beautiful. Always caring for others. But now I find out she likes someone else. Great.
"Oh." I mumble. "You hate me now don't you?" She asked while looking down. "Piper if I hated you why would I still be hugging you." I chuckled. Her smart reply was "Oh, right."  We watched the sun rise and then packed up our little amount of stuff and headed off. We kept walking until we passed a Hudle House. Our stomachs growling, but we had no money. "Wait I got an idea but I'm not proud of it." " wha-" I said before I was yanked into the restaurant. "We don't have any money." I whispered. " Don't need it." We sat down and ordered. I was gonna get just a water but the. Piper told me to get anything she got it covered. So I ordered an orange juice and 7 blue berry pancakes. Piper looked at me and nodded. She ordered the same but had apple juice. We laughed and talked while we ate. " ummm how are me gonna pay for this?" I asked. "Charmspeak." She mumbled. Oh. I knew she never liked using it to steal. She charmspeaked the waitress and we left to my moms apartment. We were about 5 blocks away
Time skip
When we got to the door. I hesitated. I realized that I hadn't gone and seen my mom since I disappeared, cough cough kidnapped cough cough,  to the Roman camp. Piper knocked for me. My mom opened and door me froze. " Percy?" "Yeah mom it's me."  She crushes me in a hug like she thought if she didn't hold in tight enough I would disappear again. She invited us in.

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