Chapter 18

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Percy's POV
We gathered everyone in the amphitheater and had Leo put his mask and hood on. "Thank you all for coming here to meet our newest member of the elites and training starts tomorrow." Father announced. Leo stepped up, "Um hi, I'm enigma. You all know me as another name. In some cases you know me by many names. Such as Mr.Spock, Admiral, blue bottom, repair boy, Bad Boy Supreme, Super Sized Mcshizzle, or Leo Valdez." He flipped back his hood. Everyone cheered for him. He went around high fiving and fist bumping everyone. I walked to the beach with Piper. We sat there and watched the waves, every once in a while I would make a cool shape with the water. Like a horse or warrior, I made two wizards blast water at each other. Then Piper gave me requests and I made them. We sat there until sunset. We walked back to the cabin and went to bed.
Line break
I awoke to the horn signaling an attack. My team, except Leo, were out the door and looked ready to fight. Leo looked like he wanted to fall back asleep. I tapped luke and pointed to Leo. He nodded, he rubbed his hands together so fast that you could see the static electricity. Once he liked how much static there was he touched Leo's shoulder. Pop "HADES UNDERWEAR YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" Luke was trying not to laugh. "You needed to be woken up." I stated. "Oh excuse me if I'm not used to waking up at 3:00 AM to a horn." He whined. "Let's go." We ran to the hill, campers showing up behind us. At the front of the army, of about 10,000 ,monsters was Kronos in his original form. "Oh surprised Jackson. I have my original body now. You can't stop me." "You for get gramps. I'm the prince of the stars second most powerful in the universe." "You mean third. My master is more powerful than. And Chaos himself." "No." "Yes I work for order, brother of chaos. Destroyer of all most powerful in the universe." I mentally cursed. This is gonna be harder than I thought. Then to make things worse Gea arose from the ground. "Ah dirtface nice to see you again. So how was your sleep." She threw a mound of earth at me. I blasted it away. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.Let's dance,and by dance I mean let's try to kill eachother." (Anyone get that reference) I charged at Kronos and Piper charged at Gea with Zoe. Kronos pointed his scythe at me and his army charged. Campers were charging behind us. I had to kill at least a hundred monsters to get to Kronos and as soon as I reached him he tried to decapitate me. I ducked and swung for his right side which was open but he blocked it fast. We went on for about 30 mins the battle had stopped to watch our fight. Except a few in my team snuck around taking out the rest of the monsters. So it was me and Kronos fighting. We kept going until I feinted right which he fell for I then disarmed him with the technique luke taught me. "Yeah I taught him that." He joked as I ran my sword through Kronos' chest. "This is not over order will destroy you all." He whispered as he crumbled to dust. Everyone started cheering until they saw the bodies. There were about 200 of them. "Get the bodies to the amphitheater until we can have the funerals. Bianca please get the hunters here. Nico get Hazel to get the Romans. This next battle is going to be hard we need all the help we can get. Chiron can you get other centaurs to help please. I've got a call to make." I walked to the cabin where we had a pool of drachma with a rainbow. I threw a drachma in, " oh fleecy do me a solid and show me Diana." Diana came into view she was training with aquaman. She turned and noticed the iris message "Oh hello Perseus." "Hey perce." Aquaman yelled in the back "Diana can you stop calling me Perseus it's just Percy. Anyway I need your help. Can you come help in a war. We are fighting order and need all the help we can get." "I'm sorry Perseus I can't be involved in another war." "Hey you still owe me that favor after-". "No we don't speak of that ever again. Fine I will help you" she swiped through the message. Piper came in and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Who'd you call?" "Diana. She's coming to help us out." "Oh cool, I've always liked her. Such a badass." "Yeah but I'm tired and want to go back to bed." I picked her up her legs and she wrapped them around my body. I carried us to bed and went back to sleep. The only thought running through my head was this is going to be the hardest battle yet. I finally slipped into to the realm of Morpheus.

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