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She had thought she was a fighter, that was what had gotten her into this mess, to begin with.

But 418 days of constant pain, torture, humiliation it changes a person. It is enough to crack any wolf had they been in Imelda's situation.

Her cheeks were pulled gaunt against her face, eyes hallowed in and blood covering the majority of her face as she curled up in the corner of the room, trying to regain her own heat within the freezing room.

She clutched her bloodied bandaged fist close to her chest as her body rocked against the stone floor. She had long given up any hope that her pack would come and save her after 235 painfully, long days.

She had held onto hope for 235 days, which was long considering she knew the hierarchy of the pack life. Being the Alpha's daughter, she often was constantly being involved with politics. If someone in the pack were to be taken hostage they would give their all to try and get them back, but there was a line that they couldn't cross.

The Alpha can't risk the pack just to save one person, even if this one person was his eldest daughter.

Imelda knew after being here for 300 days that this would be where she died. Her wolf had begun to lose her strength, her human body already giving in.

She would never see her family again. She could barely remember the distinct features on their faces, not recalling their voices at all either.

These monsters had pushed her to the edge, her mind seemed to be in a constant haze, her 3 brothers and single sister often made their way to her mind though. And even more often, her mate.

A mate that she would never meet.

Around 100 days she began to daydream, it was all there was to do when they left her alone and she was battling sleep. She wondered often what he looked like, of him coming and rescuing her, bringing her to the home where they would live together.

But those dreams have crashed and burned.

Her mate would never come and save her, they hadn't even met before. He didn't even know she existed.

She slowly blinked, keeping her eyes focused on the door. Her skin was deathly pale, as you saw the structure of her bones in a sickly way. Her broken body was struggling to hold on, the small amount of food she was provided combined with the little sleep she allowed herself to have her body had slowly been shutting itself down for a while now. More importantly, her wolf was struggling to keep their body running now.

Her eyes stayed glued to the door from her position from the lone corner she was huddled in. Her veiny lids began to droop, exhaustion beating out the pure fear that was racing through her veins.

She could hear the heavy door being hauled open just before she fell into unconsciousness.

She was startled awake as she was dunked under the frigid water, gasping her lungs filled with the salt water that burned every orpheus. She squeezed her eyes shut and closed her mouth feeling the hand buried in her hair tighten as she was running out of oxygen. Black danced her vision as she was suddenly yanked out of the water as her heart had been slowing. The pain blossomed anew. As she was thrown onto the hard ground.

"Let's do this again, little girl." His voice causing chills to run up her back as he grinned menacingly.

"What are you?" He took a knife that was being held on a slab of wood that a man was in charge of holding every time they came in here, there was plenty of different instruments to torture her with.

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