Grown Up

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She woke up the next morning before dawn.

It was still dark outside, she hadn't felt very rested. Her night had been plagued with night terrors.

She staggered across the room and into the conjoining bathroom. Turning on the water, before she could retract her hand the ice-cold water hit her pale skin, throwing her into a flashback.


Day 38

She didn't know why she was here, what they wanted. Her wolf stayed quiet, reserving her energy as her stomach growled for food.

The door squeaked open, causing her head to lift from her knees from her position in the corner of the room.

Her eyes narrowed into slits, glaring at the sudden blinding light coming from the small opening. She breathed in a shuddering breath as 2 omegas followed her kidnapper in holding a large bucket. The room dropped a few degrees as it was brought to the center of the room.

"Come here, little girl." Her kidnapper smiled sweetly at the terrified girl, "I'm not going to hurt you" She could practically smell the lie coming off of him.

His smile dropped, and his voice lost its sweet edge, hardening. "Little girl, now."

"Bitch, listen. It's going to be fun breaking you." He staked over, grabbing her matted hair dragging her to the center of the room, causing a yelp to come from her throat.

"Now," He smiled pleased with himself. "Where is your pack located?" He questioned standing behind her, forcing her to face the 2 omegas who were constantly forced to watch what he put her through.

She could feel the frigid cold coming from the metal bucket full of ice water, making the already cold stone room, colder. He took her silence as a refusal to answer, his face twisting into a sickening smile as he thrust her head into the bucket without any warning.

The girl gasped under the water, dragging in lung fulls of ice and water. The cold burned her skin as she choked on the water.

His hand fisted tighter in her hair as he yanked her up, she spits the water everywhere. The cold air burdened her face more than the frigid water had.

"Your pack, where are they?" He yanked on her hair harder, but the girl refused to show any pain to it.

"Fuck off Bitch." She sneered, taking in a deep breath anticipating it as he shoved her back into the water, slamming her head down until her forehead smacked against the bottom of the bucket.


Forced back into reality as the hot water made her skin burn red, the girl has shaken away from her horrors and wiped a few stay tears forcing herself to stand under the faucet as steam rose. She let the burning water wipe away the sins that were forever burned on her skin as she scrubbed her skin raw.

She dressed comfortably in clothes that hid her body, she softly brushed her hair, wincing every few moments as her brush was snagged in a knot.

Leaving the room Octavia padded her way down the stairs, round the corner of the familiar, silent house. She paused at the corner of the large windowed family room the sunlight streaming in lighting up the room without the help of artificial lighting.

A blonde-haired girl, with a large knot of hair tied at the base of her neck. Her lace white dress was standing out harshly against her pale porcelain skin.

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