8. The Answers

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"Who did you get green eyes from."

April looked across the grass at Jake who was casually hanging upside down from a tree. They were out hunting again, and she guessed he decided to be a monkey this time.

"Say what?" She asked, half joking.

She heard him the first time, she just didn't want to answer that kind of question just yet.

"Your eyes. I've never seen anything like them before, never that green. They're really... mystical. I just wanted to know who you got them from.

April thought about how her dad's eyes were exactly like hers. To some, or mostly all people, they were spectacular. But to her, they were a reminder of what she lost some years ago.

"I really don't want to answer that right now." She tried to laugh out, but she was sure that Jake could feel how uncomfortable she was.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me anything. Sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable..."

"No, it's just that-" She stopped him.

Could she tell him about what haunted her brain almost every day? Who else could she tell? Not her mom or brother, and definitely not the people her mother paid to come and ask her questions. "Here goes nothing," she thought.

"My father had the most amazing bright green eyes anyone had ever seen. He blessed me with these babies," she pointed to her eyes and chuckled. Jake chuckled too.

"They were always his most special feature. They stopped anyone in their tracks when he passed by." April smiled at the memory.

"But I guess they weren't enough to stop the man in a truck from hitting him one day." She grimaced thinking about the horrible event.

"He was coming home from work. The light was red and he stopped like he was supposed to. When it turned green, he drove off, but a big truck came in from the other side of the road and smashed into his car, killing him instantly."

She could feel all of the emotions that she pushed down for so many years rising up.

"The guy didn't even stay, just left my dad dead and bleeding in the middle of the road." She said through clenched teeth.

She knew she had tears streaming down her face, but she didn't care. This was what she had avoided with the therapists for all these years, and it took Jake, good ol' Jake, to make her spill her guts.

She wiped her eyes and looked up to see that he had moved from the tree and was now sitting beside her, remorse clear on his face.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, and I'm sorry that I can't do anything about it."

"Thanks." She sniffed. He sounded sincere enough, so she trusted him.

"I'll bet your dad was proud that he passed his gift on to you. Those eyes, they're just so... captivating, so beautiful." He was staring at them.

She stared back.

"Thank you." She whispered. She didn't want to break the spell.

"No problem." He patted her on the back and stood up. So much for not breaking the spell.

They walked around the jungle and talked some more. They talked about pets, seasons, and even different kinds of feet- courtesy of Jake.

"What are you afraid of?" Jake asked her.

What was this, Interrogate April day?

"Well, as you already know, I'm pretty scared of spiders. Uh, let's see. There's scorpions, snakes, excessively crying babies, and dying from shock."

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