3. The Cry

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Thunder rumbling through the sky was what woke April up the next morning. She lay in bed for a few minutes, not wanting to face the reality of her current situation.

The reality that there was probably a humongous hurricane headed her way that she refused to take heed of, and that she had a ton of work to do for Victoria, the latter more likely to kill her.

With a groan, she decided that the good Lord didn't wake her up for nothing and got out of bed.

She took a shower, watered her half-dead plants, okay, completely dead plants, and made breakfast. While she cooked some bacon and eggs, she couldn't help but realize the condition of the rumbling sky.

It was decorated with different colored lightening bolts, some colors she'd never even seen them look before. That was enough to let her and anyone else know that this was nothing to play with.

It also seemed to hover over their city in particular. Yeah, she wasn't leaving the condo anytime soon.

She moved her party to the couch, where she was too scared to turn on the TV because in fear that it might shock her. Instead, she opted to eat in silence in the dark room, the only light coming from her bedroom. Another gust of wind came rushing in from under the door. It chilled up the whole house, so cold that April left to get a cover.

When she came back, the swirling mass of clouds and lightning had moved closer. She blinked, realizing that it literally just moved in less than a minute. She was beyond worried now.

She just needed to stay in and stay low, and hopefully the storm will find her uninteresting and pass her up. Her laptop sat on the island in the kitchen, and she decided that she might as well get started while her life was being decided by the weather.

Luckily, she had charged the laptop at the office, and now she could labor all she wanted. Cheers.

She pulled up a chair and started typing away at the files that had been given to her. Thirty minutes later, she couldn't type anymore. The thunder was causing her to be majorly distracted. She couldn't even see in the room anymore because it was so dark, no light anywhere. She paused, realizing something.

She clumsily walked to where the light would be and flicked it back and forth. Nothing. She made her way to the table and found the remote.

After feeling around it to see if it was on the right side and angle, she pressed the power button. Nothing again.

She huffed out a breath and ran a hand through her hair. Giving up, she fell back on to the- floor! She freaking forgot about her impending doom landed and no where near the couch. Her head banged against the wall, only adding to the dizziness that the flashes of lightning were already causing.

She was anxious, scared, and dizzy all at the same time. And when she looked out the window, those feelings only increased.

The storm was practically above her complex now, and she could feel it too. The floor was rocking violently and the thunder caused the walls to vibrate. All while the deafening sounds of the wind filled the space of the room and her head.

At this point, she didn't know what to do anymore. She just sat in the corner and tried to rest her mind and calm her racing heart.

How could this even happen? There was no real signs of a storm all week, so where could it have come from all of a sudden?

She thought about her family back home. Her mom must have heard about it by now, probably worried sick. She decided to call her. Her phone was by the remote and when she picked it up, she saw that it was on 23%. Great. She rubbed her face and used her shaky hands to press her mom's number.

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