12. The Beauty

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"At least we'll never have to go to the zoo again," April muttered while hopping on one foot.

Jake had asked if they could go for a walk, and she agreed, but if she'd known that she'd step in some fur-butt's feces, she would have declined.

Jake was laughing his head off, and she wanted to do the honors and just take it off for him. It was not funny. Her toes and everything got covered in it.

"Come on, let's go get that washed off." He said. He contained his laughter and helped her limp to a nearby pond.

"What animal was that?" She asked in disgust. And what the heck was it eating? The smell was so bad she nearly passed out.

"I don't know, but that's some serious crap." He scrunched up his nose and helped her put her feet in the water.

"Let me do it Jake." She tried to lift her foot up, but he stopped her.

He insisted that he could do it, his face said otherwise, but she let him carry on.

April watched him as he washed off the mess.

She still wasn't over the whole her and Jake dating thing. Who would've thought? It seemed like a dream. A really good dream that she never wanted to wake up from.

He washed her foot with such precision, such care, as of she was a special item. She'd never been treated this way. Not from her mom, her friends, and definitely not her past boyfriend. But Jake, her now boyfriend, made her feel priceless.

When he successful cleaned all of the stinky gook from of her foot, he smiled up at her. She would never get tired of that smile.

"Looks like we need to be more careful, huh?" He laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so. We don't want to be wiping this, whatever animal it was, crap off of your feet next. I couldn't take it." She mumbled.

"My feet? What's wrong with my feet?" Jake asked, looking hurt.

"Ugh, please. I've seen those things, and trust me, they are a force to be reckoned with." She laughed.

Jake just pouted, and then gave in. He laughed as he sat beside her.

"As much as I would like to disagree, you have a point. You should see my dad's." He said.

"I think I'll pass." She laughed.

They sat on the rocks, moving the water around with their feet, quietly. It was a nice silence, not like the one they'd been experiencing for the first couple of days.

"You wanna know something?" Jake asked her.


"After the first time we met, or rather I stared at you until I tripped, I asked the receptionist for your name."

"Really? Why?" She asked curiously.

"I didn't know whether you were real or a figment of my imagination. You were so beautiful. Those green eyes were what I first latched on to. Then, it was your face, each feature sitting perfectly in place, creating a masterpiece." He said.

April said nothing, willing him to continue.

"Your hair was in a messy bun that day. I didn't even know I had a thing for messy buns until I saw you sporting the cute style, and just your whole body, you were perfect. I was captivated, and embarrassed, but mostly captivated," he laughed.

"So I asked for your name. She told me it was April and I thought even your name was beautiful. I'd never heard it before." He said, grabbing her hand. "I thought it was unique." He admitted quietly.

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