Work of Art

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You locked eyes. If you said you weren't turned on, that'd be a lie, both of you felt the sexual tension growing, no matter how hard you both tried to keep the conversations clean. He swallowed hard, you lightly bit your bottom lip keeping your eyes down.

Fuck, you thought, you have to try and fight this, you have to Keep the lust at bay. You're friends! Nothing more!

"Well, I guess I better let you go. It's late." you pull out your pocket watch and glance at the time. 3:15am. Still early for you, what with insomnia being an intimate friend.

"Is it? I hadn't noticed the time." his bright hazel eyes still staring intensely at you. "I was really enjoying our debates."

Don't do it, you think to yourself. The longer you stayed, the more you would try to seduce him. Or better yet, pretend to play hard to get if he were to try and seduce you.

"As was I," you reach up and glide your fingertips from your shoulder, down your chest, through the ends of your hair that lay just below your breasts. This gets the attention of his gaze. You look up at him doe eyed, "maybe I can stay a little longer.." you play with the tips of your hair, feigning innocence.

He gives you a small knowing smile, "So tell me then, what should we argue about now?" his lips morph into a mischievous smirk.

You lean forward now staring at his crimson colored lips. Your eyes get a hooded glaze when you look into his eyes and see the desire there, your lips part as he leans in..

You jolt awake with a scare. The annoying sound of your alarm blaring in your ear. Fuckin shit! Of all moments, you have to wake up then.

You lay in bed a bit longer thinking about your dream. Well shit, Josie is right. You are obsessed, you admit to yourself pathetically.

You finally get up and begin to get ready. There was so much that you needed to do before your trip. Nervousness bubbles in your guts. You decide to call Bella, your best friend and front man so to speak.

"Hey you." She answers cheerfully.

"Hey hey, how are they hanging?" you ask smiling.

"Pretty snug actually." she answers laughing lightly knowing you're referring to her tits. "What's up?" Bella asks curiously.

"I'm just nervous... I still have a couple paintings I want to add, and I'm afraid." you confess softly.

"Don't be, your artwork is great, people will love them! They're unique and so detailed!" she reassures you.

"I hope so... I'm just over thinking it, I guess."

"There's no need to stress, and need I remind you, that for that exact reason, no one will know you're the artist."

You sigh deeply, "you're right. It's just, what if no one shows? What if they hate it? What if they know it's me??" you bite your bottom lip in angst.

"Stop! I'll be there the whole time remember?! You won't go through this alone. I'll present your work with your Alias as planned, everyone will think you're just another buyer or something."

"I'm just so sensitive about my shit. Why did I let you talk me into this?" you groan.

" Uh, because you secretly wanted to." she states matter of factly.

" yea yea I know." You sigh again. "I'm just being a baby back bitch. Gotta shake it off." you flail your arms around at your side and shake your head back and forth forgetting you're holding your phone between your ear and shoulder. It makes a loud thud when it hits the bathroom floor.

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