The Hunted House

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At 11:44, the trio went to go find where Oreo is.

They did managed to find her of course, besides, she was just right in front of the gates of the hunted house.

Oreo: "Glad you guys could make it. Especially you Midori."

Midori: * glares *

Oreo: "Anyways, you guys ready?"

Sonic: "You bet!"

Oreo: "Well someone seems to have a lot of determination, what's your name pal?"

Sonic: "Sonic the hedgehog, at your service"

Oreo: "Nice to meet you Sonic, * turns over to Chip * And who's your little friend there?"

Sonic: "Oh that's just Chip. Midori and I are helping him finding his memories."

Chip: * waves hello *

Oreo: "Well, it's good to meet you guys, anyways, I think we should get inside. Don't you agree?"

Sonic,Midori&Chip: * nods head in agreement *

So they got inside the hunted house, Sonic was the first to step in, then Oreo, then Chip, and then Midori.

Midori: * makes scared *

Oreo: "Well someone's acting like a scaredy-cat~"

Midori: "O-of course not, and like I said earlier, I'm not scared of anything."

Oreo: "Sure you are."

Chip: "Can we please not do this right now? This place is already giving me the creeps-"

Midori&Chip: * hears thunder and gets scared *

Oreo: * doesn't get scared * "You we're saying Midori?"

Midori: * glares at Oreo *

Chip: "I think I'm just gonna keep up with Sonic."

So anyways, they follow Sonic upstairs to a creepy room.
Wonder what's gonna happen

~To Be Continued~

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