Armin x Reader ~Reading Buddies~

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This is an Armin x reader fanfic and it's my first one so here it goes.


Today was just like any other day. We had training and we ran laps. It was a long day so I decided to go get dinner. It was bread and potatoes as usual. "So f/n when are you going to tell Armin you like him?" Connie asked. "Yeah it's about time don't you think." Added Sasha. "W-What w-who said I like A-Armin?!" I yelled out. Thank goodness Armin, Eren and Mikasa were still getting there dinner. "Come on it's pretty obvious. I mean every one else knows...well you know except Armin himself." "Gee thanks Connie." I replied sarcastically. Yeah so I did have a bit of a crush on Armin.....oh who am I kidding it was a BIG crush. He was just perfect. From his blonde hair, to those beautiful ocean blue eyes that I always seemed to get trapped in. "F/n...f/n...F/N!" Sasha screaming me out of my thoughts. "I hope you don't mind it's just that we invited Armin and his friends over here to eat with us." Connie said mockingly. I felt my eye brow twitch. "Hehe of course not. Why would I mind." I said secretly glaring at Connie and Sasha making sure that my glare said 'I'll get you guys later.' We all soon started to talk about the usual. Sasha talking about food and Connie agreeing with her. Eren talking about taking down the titans and Mikasa listening to him even though she was some what annoyed. But Armin stayed quiet the whole time. Too quiet.... But then shortly Connie got the idea to try to get me embarrassed I front of Armin. "So Armin, did you know that f/n reads a lot? She reads about different topics too! But the one reads a lot is...romance." On my titans he did not just say that! "Yeah did you know she sometimes makes us dress up as the characters at act the book out with her?" Sash said joining in on the lies. Okay so you see Connie and Sasha are my best friends. Sometimes I admit there annoying but there really cool...most of the times. But right now there being there crapiest. I got out of my chair and pushed it in roughly. I'm not going to listen to this. "Hey where are you going?" Asked Eren. "Back to my dorm. Good night people." "Hey come on f/n we were only kid-" "I said good night." I started walking to my dorm. Stupid Connie and Sasha. I shortly got ready for bed. I was soon in my pajamas and in my bed. *CRASH BOOM* I looked out the window. Crap. Out of all times. It started raining really hard and quick. *CRASH* And there it was again. I started trembling. I always have hated thunder. I started to hide under my covers. I shortly started to cry.

Armin's POV

It started raining. And it started raining fast! I said by to my friends and then started to speed walk to my dorm. But it so happens that I have to pass f/n's dorm. When I went by hers I heard sniffling and soft crying. F/n?. *knock knock* "F/n,f/n are you alright?" I asked still on the other side of the door. I soon heard a click. So I opened the door. I saw f/n. She was covering her self with her covers. And tears coming out of her beautiful e/c eyes. They looked sad and scared. I walked over to her and sat on her bed next to her. "Why are you crying?" I saw her hesitate for a second but answered none the less. "I-I......I'm scared of thunder." She replied softly. I brought up my hand to her cheek. I wiped her tears away with my thumb. "Wanna know what I'm afraid of?" She looked at me with those big eyes of hers. She nodded. I was silent for a second then I answered. "I'm scared of seeing you scared. I don't want to see that pretty face of yours to be crying." She looked surprised. Then I kissed her forehead. I looked back at her. Then reality hit me like a fifty ton brick! Did I really just do that?! Why did I show my feelings towards her. She might not even like me back. I felt my self blush. Then she just hugged me. Stuffing her face into my chest. This feel so right. I took this chance to smell her hair. Smells just like cherry blossoms. I pulled her back into the bed. I had my arm around her. I decided to tell her a story. "Hey f/n listen to this. Okay so once there was a prince and a princess. Once the princesses friends invited the princes friends and himself to come over and eat at there place. So when they got there and started to eat her friends started telling stories about the princess about how much she liked to read. The princess shortly left to her room. When the prince was going to leave he heard crying from the princess room. When he got the he started to comfort the princess. Then the prince started to tell a story to the princess about a prince and a princess. But what the princess didn't know was that the prince loved the princess. The end. The rest up to you f/n." She was about to open her mouth to say something but I kissed her. It felt nice having her warm lips on mine. Once I broke apart I told her that she needs rest so she should fall asleep. After a while Once I knew she was asleep. I wanted to say something before I went to sleep also. "I love you f/n.good night...princess." I whispered as I drifted to sleep with f/n in my arms. Where she belongs....

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