My Protecter(Child Armin x Child Reader)

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Hey guys here's an Armin x Reader for ya. Hope you enjoy. In here you and Armin are gonna be around age 7.
Armin's POV
I was sprinting through the alleyway as fast as I can go. Sweat beads rolled down my face, my legs hurt, my lungs were about to burst. "We'll get you!" The chaser declared. I looked back. I saw my attackers, they were my usual bullies. There was three of them. Why me? Why does this always happen to me? I kept running till I came to a stop. I came to a dead end. Oh no! "Well I guess there's no more place to run, huh?" One bully said while his crew snickered along. "L-leave me alone." I stuttered. "No way brat." I saw the attacker raise his fist. I closed my eyes. I'm such a coward...
"Even touch him and God help me I will make you feel pain."
I the air whoosh by as it almost makes contact with my face. Huh? I reluctantly open up my eyes. Even the bullies looked behind them. There stood a girl around my age. She had h/c hair and e/c eyes. You could here laughter bounce of the walls if the ally.
"What? I'm sorry I didn't hear you there short stack."
The girled glared, "Maybe if you cleaned all the stupidity from your ears you'd be able to hear me." She stated with no fear. No run away. You'll get hurt! , I thought. Now it was the bullies turn to get angry,
"What...did me?"
"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot you got the intelligence of a monkey. Oh wait scratch that, even a monkey is smarter than scum like you."
"Your asking for a real beating! Jon, Jamie go teach her something about messing with us."
I saw his fat thugs come at me. I smirked, COME AT ME BRO! Too soon? Whatever. The guy I thought was named Jamie punched at my head. I easily dodge the punch. Hey I may be a seven year old but I'm not as innocent as I seem. I spinned and then kicked his leg. He then fell down, I grabbed him from the collar and started beating him up, I punched his stomach and that was the final blow. He knocked out. Jon and the other man looked at me in surprise. I smirked, "I thought you were gonna try to beat me up." Jon glared at me. He came at me and pushed me to the ground, he aimed at my face but I turned and dodge. He knew that I was gonna do that, so he kicked me in the stomach. I coughed blood. Damn it! I won't give up. Despite the pain I got up and did a round house kick. It was done. "I suggest you get your goons our out of here." I said emotionless. The man got a wave of fear over his face, he let go of the blonde headed boy. Then ran and took his boys and ran off. I walked over to the boy. "Hello." I greeted. He looked at my hand then back at me. "I'm not going to hurt you silly." I smiled. He looked hesitant but he shook my hand none the less. "I'm Armin." He said shyly. "The names f/n! You okay?" I said.
Armin's POV
I nodded, "Yeah I guess I'm alright." She smiled. "That's good, I don't wanna see you sad." I smiled. "Thank you." I say. "It's okay!" She exclaims, "I may not have known you for long but not don't worry I'll always protect you." She smiled. I look at her surprised.
I kissed her cheek. A blush blossomed on her face. She's cute.
"What was that for." She asked
"For saving me," I said simply. She smiled again. Then she kissed me in the cheek. I blushed harder than her.
"Now were even." She smirked, "let's get out of here now shall we?"
I nodded. We linked fingers and walked out of the dark alley. Making a new friendship.

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