Chapter 21

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Once school ends Lance rushes home. He runs inside and throws his bag down.

"Hola mamá!" He said as he ran up stairs to his room.

He closes the door behind him and grabs his phone.

He calls Keith and waits for him to answer.

"Hey." Keith answers.

"Hey Keith! So what happened today is there good news....... or is it bad news?" Lance said the last part a little softer not wanting to make Keith upset if there was bad news.

"I guess you could say it's good news today."

What does he mean by I guess?

"Cool, so tell me how it went." Lance smiles and lays on his bed.

"Well instead of being stuck in an orphanage the police found my Mother..."

Lance sits up very quickly. "Wait what! They found your mom? Is she nice?"

"Yeah she's really nice... kinda too nice."

"How can someone be too nice?" Lance lays back down.

"I don't know... anyways she's really rich and has a huge house."

"Did she live by herself?"

"No she has a fiance."

"Oh sorry dude." Lance sighs.

"It's fine. Her house is in Oriande."

"Oriande! She definitly is rich, everyone that lives there is super rich...... Wait but if your living in Oriande does that mean your going to stop coming here?" Lance frowns.

"No! I'm still going to come by, I don't know how school is going to work but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop seeing my friend."

Lance smiles "Good cause I mean how could you get enough of me." He smirks.

"Lance, shut up......" he goes quiet for a bit.

"Hey Keith you still there?" Lance asks concerned.

"Yeah, I have to go. Talk to you later ok."

"Ok bye." Lance hangs up with a smile.

I'm glad he has found something good.


Krolia walks up the stairs and goes to Keith's room. His door is slightly cracked open. She can see Keith in his bed talking on the phone as he brushes his hair.

"Lance, shut up...." He looks over and notices Krolia.

She walks into the room.

"Yeah, I have to go. Talk to you later ok." He puts his phone down.

"Who was that?"

"A friend." He looks at her.

"Right.... well dinner is ready so come down to eat." She leaves the room.

Keith nods and leaves the room.

It takes him a minute to find the dinning room.

He walks into a big room with a large dinning table. Krolia and Jonathan were sitting next to each other. There was tons and tons of food on the table.

Krolia smiles. "I wasn't sure what you liked to eat so I made everything I could think of."

Wow there is so much food..... what is my favorite food? I don't eat much, should I eat....

Keith smiles a little and sits down at the table.

He puts a bit on his plate.

Krolia and Jonathan start to eat too. No one was talking. It was an awkward silence.

Krolia wanted to get to know Keith but didn't want to push it.

She clears her throat. "So Keith, what do you like to do for fun?"

He looks at her then looks down.

Lost my appetite.

He sits back. "I uh like hanging out with my friend Lance."

"Was that the friend that was on the phone with you?"


Jonathan looks at him. "Do you have any other friends?"

Krolia hits his arm to say stop.

"Yeah... I'm kinda tired, I'm going to go to my room, thanks." He gets up.

"Wait." Krolia looks at him. "You didn't eat much? Are you not hungry?"

"No not really." He walks out.

Krolia sighs once Keith leaves the room.

She looks at Jonathan. "Did you really have to say it like that?"

"Look I'm sorry, I'm trying ok. It's kinda sudden to have a kid in the house."

"He's not just any kid he's my son.... though he may be damaged." She frowns.

He wraps his arms around her. "Your here for him now, that's what matters."


"So what made dinner so awkward?"
Lance asked on the phone.

"It was just really quiet and she offered alot of food."

"What's wrong with alot of food? I love to eat more food the better." Lance jumps on his bed.

"Lance...." He sighs "I'm just not use to so much food, I felt overwhelmed."

"Oh yeah I guess you would. Sorry, well if you ever want to hang out or want me to come over we definitely can." Lance smiles and has a small blush on his face.

"Thanks Lance. Being able to talk to you really helps."

"Well you know I'm here for you." Lance smiles

Lance's sister calls for him from downstairs.

"I got to go Keith. Text me if you need me."

"Ok bye." He hangs up the phone.

Right after Keith hangs up the phone lance says. "I love you...." He sighs and puts his phone down.

"Ugh!" He hides his face in his pillow.

His sister walks into his room.

"What's wrong with you?" She sits on his bed.

He muffles into his pillow.

"Hermano I can't understand you when your talking into your pillow."

He sighs and flips back over.

"I think I'm in love."

"Wait really?!" She smiles big.
"Aww my little brother is in love..... so what's the matter?" She looks at him.

"I don't know if the person I love feels the same and alot is going on in that person's life and I don't want to give them another problem." He looks down.

His sister smiles. "Trust me, they like you too. You just have to tell them, if things are bad now they most likely need someone to be there for them. Why not you?"

He looks at her and smiles. "Thanks sis." He hugs her.

Garcia barges in. "Uncle Lance!" She runs up to him.

"What is it Garcia?" He picks her up.

"When is Keef coming back over?"

Lance chuckles and blushes a little. "I'm not sure."

Lance's sister smiles at how he's blushing. "Well you two have fun, I'm going to help mamá with the dishes."

"Bye bye mamá!" Garcia hugs Lance tightly and waves her bye.

Keith is very unsure of how he feels about his new home. Everything should be ok....... right?

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