Chapter 22

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It has been a couple of days since Keith moved into Krolia's home.

Jonathon has kept his distance from Keith and Krolia has tried her best to be friends with Keith........ which isn't working out so well.

Since Keith has missed so much school, the school thought it would be best if he finished the year online. It would be easier for him to catch up.

Krolia walks into Keith's room which makes the poor child jump.

"Sorry." She looks at him.

He looks so tired. Has he been sleeping ok?

Keith looks at her. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"Um yes I wanted to talk to you about house rules."

"Ok..." He looks away from her.

"I want you back home before 11:30....."

Keith looks up at her, "wait really?!"

"Yes is there something wrong with that?"

"No it's great.... I just never was allowed to stay out later than 7."

"I don't want you hiding anything from me or Jonathan."

"Ok..." He looks away again.

"Also I saw the marks on your wrists, I don't want you cutting. Ever."

He looks at her shocked. He pulls down his sleeves. "I don't do that anymore."

"That's good. Your life is better now, no need to try and end it." She walks up and reaches her hand out to touch his shoulder as a comfort.

He flinches. "Don't touch me!"

She pulls back and leaves the room. Before she closes the door she looks at him. "Good night."

He let's out a deep sigh and curls up in his bed.

She is right....right. I'm safe, no need to want to die anymore. I have people who care now..... so why do I still feel lost...

He closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep for the night.

He soon falls asleep but his dreams are haunted with memories of Cole and how he use to live. He squirmed and whimpered in his sleep.

He jults up from his sleep. He's sweating and breathing heavy.

He puts his head in his hands.

"Your nothing!"

"No one could ever love you, they are only pretending! Your a bother!"

"Shut up that's not true." His eyes water.

"You know it's true. Look at yourself in the mirror no one wants that!"

"SHUT UP!" He closes his eyes tightly and pulls at his hair. His breathing gets rough. His hands start to shake.

My chest it hurts so much... I haven't had one of these in years.

He feels like he can't breath that no matter what air won't enter his lungs. The shaking gets terrible and he's panicing.

He looks around frantically. He finds the sharpest thing he can see and drags it across his arm, just to make a small cut.

His breathing calms and the shaking stops.

I'm not suppose to do this anymore.....

He looks at the cut.

"I told you, you were weak."

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