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Zeus' Pov

After spending time with Adam, I've felt more at ease here. Minus the slick shots being thrown at me by his brothers, this place isn't half bad. If you're into the whole "being held hostage for ransom" type of thing. Oddly enough, I can't be mad at Adam's brothers. Their father was killed. I can only imagine how I would feel if I'm waiting for Ares to come home and he never did.

On the other hand, I can't be mad at dad either.  He was simply following orders. He was young. I know he's going through so much because around the time he killed their father, he left Adonis. I don't know, I just don't know how to feel, but life is okay right now. However, we all know we're just delaying the inevitable.

I sigh as I help Bambi with laundry. Adam had to make a run today, so he left me with the women. His brothers are gone to do whatever it is that they do, so I decided to spend the day with one of the most trustworthy people in my life right now.

I sigh as I fold clothes. Bambi is sewing away at wedding dresses for the new brides to be, getting them ready for the upcoming weddings. It took me a minute to realize she said something to me. "Huh?"

"I said, 'Why are you sighing?' . You've been huffing for the last twenty minutes."

"Oh, nothing. My bad."

"It's alright. You distracted my sewing." She puts down the needle. "Zeus. What's wrong?"

I continue to fold sheets. "Nothing."

"Mhm. You're a really bad liar, you know that?" She chuckles.

I smile a little, throwing my hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright you got me."

She smiles in my direction, then picks up the needle again. "So, what's wrong?"

"I just...I'm scared. Like, terrified. We all know what's going to happen so why delay the inevitable? I have to wait less than three months to know if I'm going to die or not...if I'll ever see my family or not...if my dad has the money...." I rub my forehead. "I don't know what to do. If I were to join the military, could I possibly put my family in the same position - hitmen after me? Death? I don't want to kill anyone."

"There are more jobs in the military than being on the front line, Zeus," she calmly retorts while not looking up.

"You know, I always wanted to be like my dad - some sort of hero that took care of all the bad guys, got the girl of his dreams, and lived happily ever after like some sort of knight in shining honor." I stop folding.

"Sounds like a great guy."

"He is .. well, was."

"Why's that?"

"I thought that, you know...man, it's whatever. I'm cool."

She grabs my chin and forces me to look into her eyes. "Zeus."

"I just don't like being vulnerable."

"Your hypermasculinity  has no place here. You have something you're dying to say. I'm here for you, not against you." She lets go of me.

"Fine. When I finally met my dad, I thought it was just going to be me, him, and Adonis. Then, not too long after, the twins came. I tried to accept them at first, but the attention, I guess, left me and focused on them. I felt as if as soon as I finally found my family, I lost them again. I don't know, maybe that's super selfish of me, and I can't really blame them for that. At first, it was really me and Adonis, and I thought I had a real mother. Our bond was so tight...I thought I could trust her.  Then I resented her for 'stealing' my pops. I felt as if they loved each other more than they loved me. Maybe I just have abandonment issues and I tend to push people away to keep them from getting too close to me. I can't let someone love me if I don't know who I am anymore."

Bambi nods at me, "It's nobody's fault, Z. It's understandable that you feel that way. You do know that your parents have their own life to live.  You should just talk to them about it."

Part of me wanted to let out a sarcastic "How?" but I sighed. "Yeah, I've tried. Look, I don't want to waste your time talking about me."  I laugh a little, "I wanna hear 'bout you too."

She smiles at me. "We do have all day, Zeus." I return the smile, then proceed to tell her about my early life. She tells me about her family past, her interests, her past relationships, and everything that makes her tick. I fall in love with her mocha skin, her deep brown eyes, and her beautiful accent. Is it cliché to fall in love this easily? I'm not the type to say I believe in love at first sight, but I do believe that someone can be good for your soul and spiritual growth. Being with Bambi puts me at ease, and between her and Adam I find some comfort in being here.

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