The Note (Cuphead)

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Inspired by Annamatics's comic on Tumblr.

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That, had gone about as well as he had expected. Elder Kettle, although insanely relieved, was also (quite understandably) furious. They had both gotten quite the lecture, and Elder Kettle was boiling by the end of it.

Sighing, Mugman sank onto his bed and gazed out the window. He could hear his brother pacing around their room and muttering rapidly under his breath. A few minutes later however, the sound of furious shuffling drew his gaze away from the window. Seeing the source of the sound to be his brother busily stuffing items into a backpack, Mugman stood up. "Um, Cuphead? What are you doing?" His twin didn't even look up as he answered. "Elder Kettle can't ground us for a month! I'm running away." Mugman gasped. "You can't do that!!" This time, Cuphead did look up, glaring. "And why not?!" Seeing the glint in his brother's eye, Mugman knew he would have to think fast. "You can't just leave without a note!" Cuphead furrowed his brow at that. "Oh, yeah I guess you're right. But what should we say?"

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"Dear Elder Kettle,

We hate you.


Elder Kettle looked in shock and confusion at the very short, very contradictory note he found on Cuphead's bed. He had decided to talk with the boys about what had had happened the other day in more detail, now that he had managed to calm himself down. When he entered the room however, he was greeted not with the faces of his grandchildren, but with two empty beds and an open window. Slowly, he picked up the note on Mugman's bed, which was noticeably longer.

"Dear Elder Kettle,

Cuphead's emotions are not exactly organized right now, so he has decided to run away and I've decided to go with him. Not because I don't love you, or I don't think we deserve the punishment you gave us, (because honestly I think we deserve more, for endangering so many people) but because I can't let my brother go off on his own. We both know what happened the last time we went out. Honestly, I'm only going with him to make sure he doesn't make too many foolish decisions. (If I hadn't stepped in the last time, I'm almost sure the Devil would've had your soul too.) If I don't manage to get him to come home by the end of the third day, meet me at the bomb shelter we built last year. We can start stalking up for the coming apocalypse.

Sincerely apologetic,

Elder Kettle let out a weak chuckle at the last sentence, not entirely sure if his grandson was joking. At least he knew more of what was going on. That didn't mean however, that he was happy with it. "Those boys are going to get a LONG talking to, the next time I see them." Looking down again, he shook his head. " if Cuphead's decision making skills are that bad." All the same, Elder Kettle walked out and into the kitchen. Putting the notes on the table, he started unpacking the pantry.

Just in case.

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