See? Even Elves have Flaws!

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"Come Tári, faster!"
Watching the end of her cloak whip around a tree and change direction, I scrambled to catch up. Dodging one branch, I immediately got a mouthful of leaves from another.
"Auggh! I'm trying to the best of my ability!", I shouted, spitting out my leaves in frustration. Ahead of me by at least three trees, ran my sister in all but blood; Aredhel. She's tall, strong, fast, and annoyingly better at traveling in the trees than I am.
The trees are starting to thin, I have to concentrate. Left, right, down, up, jump!  Hey! I'm doing pretty well!  "Careful sister!" Now if I can just keep this up I'll— *WHACK* a branch hit me square in the face, my momentum making my legs fly out from under me and I ended up falling  backward through the branches of a rather tall oak tree. I grabbed at the leafy limbs around me in an attempt to slow my decent, managing to bang into twice as many branches as one normally would. Sensing that the ground was getting close, hitting the ground, I rolled and went into a summersault. Or, I would have, had I not rolled off a steep bank. Unable to stop rolling, I did my best to keep from hitting as many obstacles as possible. The only thing that prevented me from flying all the way down the hill, was an (in)opportunely placed bush that I did not manage to dodge. A large painful bush. "OW!! Da-FAGh! OF ALL THE FUDGING—!" Straightening up, I cut my off at the sight of a path. Or rather, who was on the path. Rac ha. A tall human, cloaked in grays and greens. We stood staring at each other for a moment, before he burst out in hysterical laughter. "Oh goodness! I've never seen an elf fall out of a tree before! This is too good!" Narrowing my eyes, I watched as he laughed on, seemingly oblivious to my growing irritation. Just as I was about to open my mouth and probably say something stupid, Aredhel dropped down beside me with a mischievous smile. "I see you found a friend. What happened Tári? That branch was right in front of you!"
"Yes, well. He's not my friend, and I was busy thinking." My answer was clipped, as I eyed our new "friend" who's laughing fit was coming to an end. Aredhel smiled, shaking her head, "Ai, Tári! You concentrate too much on where your feet are going, and you forget to check where your head is. Nevertheless, it will be dark in a few hours. How about you get yourself out of that bush, and we go introduce ourselves to our laughing compatriot." With that, she started off toward the path.

After giving what Aredhel considered a "proper" introduction, we found out that the human called himself Grey

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After giving what Aredhel considered a "proper" introduction, we found out that the human called himself Grey. I was still miffed about him laughing at me and I honestly doubted that was his real name. When I told him as much however, he replied with a glint in his eye, that his name was his own and he did not feel obligated to share it with "little elven girls who like to fall out of trees on a whim". The conversation would likely have ended there with my fist, had Aredhel not quickly turned the subject to the matter of finding the nearest town. Eventually what happened was that Grey ended up traveling with us because the nearest town was still to a day and a half's journey. And despite my opinion on the matter, Aredhel made the point that "he knows the lay of the land around here better than we do, and we are all traveling in the same direction anyways", so I just endured his company in silence.

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