Strength can come in many ways

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Grey clouds rolled across the sky, seeming to paint a solid, ever moving ceiling and the wind blew fitfully over the tops of the trees. Then for a moment, all was still, as if the land were holding its breath. Crackling lightning ripped across the sky, seeming to open up the floodgates as heavy torrents of rain began to pour down, soaking nearly everything below. But all this mattered little to our two favorite elves, who were currently huddled together under a mossy overhang, laughing merrily to the crackle of a small fire.
"Oh, oh! Do you remember that time when you got caught in that hunting trap?"
"Only because you never hesitate to remind me nearly every chance you get!"
"That's because it's one of the only times I've seen you be clumsy! It was fantastic seeing you hanging upside down like that!
"Oh come off it!"
"I couldn't stop laughing!"
"I know. It took you nearly ten minutes for you to calm down enough to cut me down!"
"Your expression was so dead pan!"
"All right, all right, but don't you forget that incident with the trolls the wolverine."
"Hey! I thought we agreed never to talk about that."
"Ha ha! Actually, I only agreed not to mention it to anyone else. Seeing as you already know however, I am free to talk about it as I wish."
"Hmpf. You and your loopholes." Aredhel smiled and shook her head.
"I think that is enough embarrassing memories. Why don't we decide where we shall go next?"
"Sure, why not?"
"We might stop off in Rivendell for a Elladan a visit?"
I rolled my eyes at that. "Oh stop it! He is a friend and I intend to be nothing more." Not that way at least.
But she just smirked, "Whatever you say sister. Whatever you say."
"Hmpf. Matchmaker. I will admit however, that it would be nice to see both of the twins again."
"Well it cannot be that far, maybe four or six days if we were to make haste?"
"That's true! The last bridge is probably only a few miles away."
"It is settled then? We shall make our way to Rivendell at the first light of tomorrow's dawn."

We made an early start as the rain had cleared beautifully and we were on our way by the time the sun's light began to filter through the leaves of the trees above. The sun had just crested the top of the trees when the last bridge had come into sight through the end of the forest. I came to a sudden halt however, when I saw just what was on the bridge. Crouching in the shadows, I motioned for Aredhel to do the same. As she moved to be beside me, I saw her eyes narrow. "Four Riders? This does not bode well for anyone."
"They seem to be waiting for something."
"Well, whatever it is, I do not think it is us. How do you think we should get past?"
"Well, can we fight them?"
"That is something I would only expect from someone like Glorfindel. In any case, the next closest place to cross is more than three days journey south and I do not fancy swimming the river."
"Well, let's say we make our way down the bank a bit and using the tall grasses and shrubs, sneak over to the base of the bridge and travel underneath it by grabbing the support beams. We can make our way to the middle pillar and if we are careful and quiet enough, we can swing up top and run to the other side without being noticed."
Aredhel was quiet for some time before she let out a breath and answered. "Very well. But only because we must get news of this to Elrond quickly, and I see no other option that would get us across today."
With that we began making our way over and down the steep bank.
Everything went smoothly until it was time to swing up to the top of the bridge. The side was bigger than I had originally estimated, and I had a bit of difficulty getting myself up. A pebble came loose under my foot and with a small clatter and plop, it fell from the bridge to the water below. At first is did not seem like any of the Nazgûl had noticed and we had made it about a fourth of the way down the other side of the bridge when one of the horses whinnied shrilly. Glancing behind us showed me that two of the Riders had wheeled their horses around and were nearly upon us. Shouting Aredhel a warning, I stopped running and turning, unsheathed one of my blades. Quickly raising it above my head, my blade was immediately met with a sharp blow from the nearest Nazgûl. Unsheathing my second, I began dodging and slicing, weaving my way around the mounted horse. From the sounds of battle coming from further down the bridge, I could only assume that Aredhel had engaged the other Nazgûl. Making my way around the horse once more, I lunged aiming for the Rider's thigh, when suddenly I was rammed into by a heavy object, causing me to roll to the edge of the bridge. Struggling to rise, I realized that the object was actually Aredhel, who seemed a bit dazed from the impact. What happened next was a bit of a blur.

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