Chapter 1

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Dear Miss Alyssa Snider,

        We would like to personally invite you to the Schnelle Einarbeitung Futbol Camp. We have been watching you throughout the years and think you would be a very good fit for our training camp. The camp takes place June 2-July 28 in Dortmund, Germany. Our campers come from all around the world for this camp, most from the USA. The price of this camp is $5,000, this includes: your plane ticket, food for the whole trip, a free uniform for scrimmages, fees for field trips, and much more. During camp we will be having daily training's, except for Saturdays and Sundays. Saturday will be our scrimmage day and Sundays will be rest days. We will occasionally take field trips on our training days. If you would like to join us please fill out the form attached and fax it to us. Once you have faxed your information, we will contact you about a payment plan.

                                                                                                        Thank you, 

                                                                                                    Thomas Eisenhower

                                                                                 Director of Schnelle Einarbeitung Futbol Camp

That was the letter I had been waiting for. If you received this letter you knew all your hard work had paid off. This was one of the best soccer camps in the world, only the best players get invited and I was one of them. All the money my parents had spent on me for trainers, equiptment, and tournaments had given me this oppurtunity, and I know my parents are going to be just as excited for this as I am. I'll be gone for almost two months and I'll miss most of the summer, but it's worth it. 

"Mom! Mom!" I yelled as soon as I heard the door open. I must have scared her because she jumped when I yelled at her. 

"What is it sweetie?" She gives me a smile. 

"I got a letter from the Schnelle Einarbeitung Futbol Camp! They invited me to go! They think I'm good enough, mom!" 

Her eyes started to water, which worried me until she spoke "Oh my gosh! Aly, that is so great! Can I see the letter, please?" I hand her the letter and watch her face as she reads it. She flinches a little when she gets to the price of the camp. "Sweetie, Five thousand dollars is a lot of money."

I notice her frown a little and my heart starts to break. This is all I have ever wanted and I may not be able to get it. I know five thousand dollars is a lot of money but there has to be some way to make it work. There is no way I am going to let this opportunity slip through my hands.

"Mom can't we get donations and they said there's a payment plan, so it's not like we have to pay the whole five thousand at once." 

She looked me in the eyes and gave me the saddest smile I have ever seen "We can try our best, but I can't make any promises. I know this is what you've been dreaming of, and I would do anything to be able to send you to this camp, but I don't want to get your hopes up. So please just know there is a chance that we won't be able to afford this." 

I nod and walk up the stairs. When I make it to the top I can hear my mom crying in the kitchen. I want to go back downstairs and comfort her, but I know I'm about to burst into tears too. So instead, I go into my room, lock the door, and cry. 

I thought my mom would say yes, without even thinking about it. But once again my crazy daydreams led me astray. 

After 30 minutes of crying I grab my phone and call Caroline. I really want to tell her I had been invited, but I also want to talk to someone about the fact that I may not be going because of the cost. She's been my best friend since the fourth grade and I know she will give me some good advice about this situation. 

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