Chapter 3

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"Aly! Wake up! It's 4:30, we have to be at the meeting in thirty minutes!" I open my eyes to see Olivia standing over me.

"Thirty minutes!" I scream. "How am I supposed to be ready in thirty minutes?"

This is not good. I don't want to look unpresentable on my first day. I definitely do not want to be the girl that gets made fun of during camp. Having no friends for the next two months would be terrible. 

I jump out of bed and Olivia helps me pick out something to wear. I decide on jean shorts, a blue tank top, and my white converse. I quickly re-straighten my hair and fix my makeup. Thankfully my hair and makeup didn't get too messed up while I was sleeping, so it only takes me 15 minutes to get ready. 

After I finish touching up my make up, we're on our way to the meeting. It only takes us five minutes to walk there. Once I walk into the gym, I'm amazed by how big it is. It's not even a quarter of the way full and there's at least 500 boys and girls here. 

Olivia and I find a seat in the 2nd row of the third section. We introduce ourselves to some of the girls beside us and they tell us their names are Melissa, Christina, and Raya. Melissa is from London, Christina is from California, and Raya is from Ireland. 

"Good afternoon everyone! My name is Thomas Eisenhower and I am the director of Schnelle Einarbeitung Futbol Camp." He says, his accent thick. He runs through the rules of the camp and gives us the down low on all the events happening tonight. 

"Now I'm going to introduce you to each of our counselors." A line of girls and guys ranging from the ages of 18 to 50 walk onto the stage. There's at least 100 of them and as he introduces each one of them I find myself daydreaming. 

"Another one of our u-17 girl trainers is Erik Durm." The boy with golden blonde hair and a glowing smile steps forward and waves. His eyes land on mine for a minute and my heart speeds up a little. I have never seen anyone so perfect and beautiful. I can tell every other girl thinks he is hot as well. 

"Did they say u-17? That means he's with us." Olivia whispers and winks at me. 

I'm suddenly nervous, because he is one of the trainers of my group. Eisenhower said that each age group would get separated among itself and they would be with one trainer during the whole camp. Basically, the trainer would be their coach. So most likely I will have another coach, thankfully. 

Before I know it the meeting is over and we're heading to dinner. Olivia and I agreed to sit with Melissa, Christina, and Raya at dinner. While we eat. we discuss the schedule for tonight. Right after dinner we have a hour of free time, after free time we go to meet with our age group and that's when we will be seperated into our teams. I really hope that I'll be on the same team as Olivia. 

"Okay was it just me, or was that Erik, one of the finest boys you have ever seen?" Christina asks. 

"Oh my God he was freaking perfect." Olivia gushes. Melissa and Raya agree as well.

"Did you not think he was cute Aly?" Raya takes another bite of her salad. All of the girls turn to look in my direction.

"Oh she definitely did." Olivia responds for me. "You should have seen her! She was like completely zoned out, but when he stepped out, she snapped back into reality. She was practically drooling over him." They all laugh. 

"I was not!" My voice coming out higher pitched than I intended it to. 

"Stop arguing, you're just making it more obvious." Melissa winks at me. 

We all laugh and end the conversation. After Raya is finally finished with her dinner, I swear she is the slowest eater I have ever seen, we all walk to mine and Olivia's room to hang out in there. 

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