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He woke up bit early on a sunny sunday morning to see the first sunrise from his new apartment and big balcony. He was excited to see the morning view of the city from his balcony which is on 4th floor as he shifted yesterday evening and spent half of the night in unpacking and settling down. Even tho he slept pretty late his eyes shot up early on a lazy Sunday.

The feeling of warm Sun rays touching his skin and seeing the sunlight shining through fluffy clouds made him very happy. He inhaled the fresh morning breeze mixing with the sweet scent of rose plants on his balcony.

He felt proud and very satisfied with his decision of changing his house. Even tho the new one is costly and small comparing with his old one, but having the biggest balcony in the entire building made it worthy.

Not that he didn't loved his old flat which was located in the famous Gangnam but he got so annoyed with his neighbours that he couldn't take it anymore.

He already have a hard job of posing in 78 different styles in front of the camera or having the same poster constantly for more then 5 minutes for a perfect shot.

Yes! Yes you guessed it correct. JUNG TAEKWOON was an A list
model. Like why doing a 9 to 5 desk job when your face can earn good money in less then 1 minutes. Specially if God has blessed him with more then 6" feet height, broad shoulders, long legs, hidden abs, stylish hair and very handsome face which make him a total drool worthy man.

And coming back home after such hard work for sleeping in peace and relaxing but instead getting headache due to the loud kids running in the corridor or always bickering old couple and some jobless teenage kids either blasting kpop songs or playing late night video games. After living there for more then 4 years he gave up and rented a new apartment in a supburb location.

Anyways back to the main topic BALCONY.
He made himself a big cup of hot coffee and pulled out a recliner chair placing in the balcony. He was enjoying the fresh summer air with light fragrance of roses of his little garden while sipping coffee. He throw his head back, crossed his legs and made himself more comfortable on the chair. Slowly closing his eyes, he let the air massage his head making his hair messy and birds singing song to him.
He felt he is in heaven. Everything felt very calm, peaceful and relaxing in that very moment until...

Something fell on his face.

Something soft and fresh.

Something which smelled like a mix of French Lavender and zesty orange blossom.

But he doesn't have lavender or orange blossom in his garden.

He quickly opened his eyes to see nothing but.. everything seemed red as something like a net covered his eyes.

His lazy and sleepy brain collaborate with his slow reflexes.

His hands did their job and removed the thing fell on his expensive face.

His eyes widened in shock to see The Red Lacy Bra in his own hands.

Then he heard a voice coming from the above sky "Oh shit"..

😂 Hey guys I'm back with a new book. I know I have to finish my hakyeon's Photographs
And forgive me for being putting Jin's little jjanggu and taehyung's ramen 2 final chapter on HOLD. .
but srsly I was FCKIGN busy with my life. Being a wife is a not damn easy job tbh. And being a unmotivated lazyass author just kills you more.

But with a good hope I'm publishing this fun romcom fic. I hope you will like it.
I can't promise how it will goes
Short chapters or long idk I haven't decided yet. .
Short story or long again idk.
I think it will be depending upon you guys aka the reads interest and my sucking life.
Pray for me so I can get more free time to write this n finish it asap, n not holding like my other books.

I'll don't want to promise any days for the updates but I'll try to update as soon as I can. I am going to write it on my phone not on laptop like my other stories so hopefully I will be updated it whenever I can write.

If there are any grammatical mistakes plz let me know so I can fix it.
Also if u like this chapter plz vote and comment.

Enjoy 😹 this fun ride.

Love ya 😘

Trouble Maker #Jung Taekwoon Where stories live. Discover now