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Character description :-

You: 17 yr old girl,U r living in New York, having 2 more years in High-school, Ur a very disciplined girl in the school, and interested in all the activities in the school, but ur problem is that- Ur shy, silent and introvert, that's why u don't participate in any activities . You're the Prefect of the school.

Shawn Mendes: A very friendly and supportive person. Humorous and kind natured. Sweet as sugar. Loves Music

Charlie Puth: A new student in your school, entered in the mid-term. Loves Music too. Broken-hearted now. *You'll get to know about him later* 😘

Venessa : Your Bestest... Friend... Sweet, supportive, kind nature, understanding, naughty.... And many more... Don't have anymore words to describe. She is your best friend since you were 4. She's your neighbour too.

Some more Characters will come between. Stay tuned!!!😊

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