Sight Seeing The School

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Alice's pov:

Hey, Camila! Can we talk about it later? If u don't mind... Said when the teacher entered the classroom.

Camila : Yea.. Sure, why not

Then, teacher started to giving the hints of the given numericals based on motion in 2D.

The bell rang after an hour.
All the students rushed out of the room... As the next lecture was games and sports. All the students have to choose a game to play it.... It's must. Also, the school decided that all the students have to participate in any.
.. At least one... At most 2 games.... Wow!! That's cool.! Is it?

Alice and Camila are already into sports and physical exercises.... Alike of other girls... They are just being so girly... And lazy too... Also they tries to impress as many boys of the High-school as they can. But it's worthless... As it doesn't come in use for the future.... Y'all know it... Career and health is first. One should add some physical activities in their routine lives. And it's more important to the student's life.

Alice's favourite sport is JUDO and she also plays volleyball.
Camila love to play VOLLEYBALL and she used to play Basketball sometimes.

Other girls used to play dodge ball rarely... They always get their way from the sports teacher. After getting their way out of the field.... They just head in front of the ground where the boys used to play. Some boys literally DGAF to any of these girls.... But some boys are there who just catches the brightness in their eyes whenever they see the bunch of girls.

Now, Shawn was taking Charlie to the ground, running and thumping the legs on the floor hard in their excitement.

S: Come on buddy!! What do u wanna play?? Choose any one or two!

Ch:Well, I'll love to play hockey. So,it'll be all. Btw Shawn, Which games do you play??

S:Yea... Bud. I love to play hockey too... But i love basketball also.

Both the boys went to the sports coach to register Charlie's name.

When Shawn saw the whole list of their class including their sports interest, he repeats his sentence.
"I love to play basketball too",while watching the list.

It made Charlie to think for a moment. Just then he writes his name in Basketball section too.

Shawn frowns at Charlie's action.

Ch: You know, It will make me more fresh and active...!!

Shawn says "Yea yea!" with a confusing look.

Charlie just gave smile to him.

There are two basketball grounds in front of each other, so students can play freely.

Shawn and Charlie heads to the ground.

Now, on the other side,

A: Its time to go. I'm going to the indoor stadium(Judo session). Well... I'll see u later.

Ca: Okay. Good bye. See ya

Both the girls are so happy with their sports. So they don't mind it. Even they both have their different choices. It'll won't come between their friendship. (Sry if y'all don't understand.... I'm not good in explaining things...I hope y'all understand)

Note: 'Ch' is for Charlie and 'Ca' is for Camila... So pls don't confused between them 😅😅😅

Shawn asks Charlie that which game he wants to play today...

Ch: Well, I'm not introduced to every ground... So will you pls... Umm...take me for touring???

S: Yeah man, of course....I'll take you to every corner of this school but not now... After school. Now, We're on for sports arena.

So, They 1st steps into the basketball ground... As they were only 7-8 steps away.

Ch: Very Accurate markings are there... I must say.

S: Yup, Always. It's been more than 10 yrs.... And it don't get enough services. Even tho, Its perfect.

Then Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Football, Badminton, Gymnastics and many other fields.

Lastly, they moves to the Judo and Karate Section.

Charlie saw few students were doing some stretching exercises. And immediately he spotted Alice. He didn't even saw the whole stadium but heads out speedily.

Ch:Well, How much time is left in finishing the period??

S: it's like... Umm 25 mins
Shawn said watching the wrist watch and then the hall clock.

Ch: Can we play basketball in the remaining time?? Only if you want to.

"YEAH, WE CAN", said Shawn cheerfully.

But somewhere there are deliberations in Shawn's mind.... That why did Charlie wrote his name in Basketball... And asks also to go around all the sports arena... Even tho it's not a common character of Charlie. 🤔🤔🤔
. (pls read 👇👇👇)
Well... What do u guys think..?? I know it's not a question to be asked... Cuz everyone knows it Right?? On your point of view, What Shawn will be thinking..??
Pls let me know in the commentary box.... And yea... Don't forget to give a vote. P. S.-LOVE Y'ALL.
😘😘😘AND sry for the late update.
(longest chapter so far.... 852 words)

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