Chapter 2: Being Rejected by Several Families

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Chapter 2: Being Rejected by Several Families

Skyler's POV:

It was a calm Saturday morning, in Sydney, Australia. Saturday was known as adoption day here, but I've given up hope. I know that they would never adopt me, because I wasn't good enough in their standards. I sat in line to be interviewed by families that were looking to adopt. As I went up to get interviewed the first question each family asked was, "how old are you?'

I responded quickly with "fifteen, but I'm turning sixteen in two weeks."

I was immediately turned down, because they were looking for younger kids. I felt as if I wasn't good enough. My best friend Neva, was adopted when she was only thirteen, she often visited me, but she hasn't come back after one year, I often feel as if I said something wrong to her, all I know is that i may never see her again. After being rejected by three families in a row, I sat in the window seat in the lobby, and just saw all the happy looks on the kids when they left with their new forever family.

I have been adopted before, but I was immediately returned. It was always around the same time, I wouldn't even be there for a week. I knew I would be returned when they started yelling at me....


I sat on the couch watching television just to have it blocked in front of me from my foster father, James, I then felt a burning on my face, stunned, I have realized that he had slapped me. I looked over to see his wife, Kendall, staring and laughing. I was young so I didn't understand why she was laughing. I then looked back at James, and he was yelling at me, "you are not the child we wanted, we wanted a child that would obey, and be involved with sports in the community, but no! You just think that you can sit around and write your 'stupid' songs! You are going to become a nobody Skyler! A nobody I tell you! Go pack your things, you're going back to the orphanage!"

I walked up the stairs crying, because I believed that they we're going to be my forever parents, i was soon wrong, they wanted a child that met their standards, and I didn't fill that role. I cried as I packed the rest of my things. Once I came back down the stairs, I was grabbed and dragged to the car, once the car was in front of the orphanage I was pushed out of the car onto the stairwell of the orphanage. I sat on the steps crying before I walked in.

Once I walked in Miss Hicks, the orphanage owner, scolded at me, and just pointed up to the stairs where my room was, who I shared with Neva and Raven. Neva and Raven were really good friends, I was always like the third wheel around them. I sat on the bed and cried, but then only Neva walked in, she was also crying. After a few minutes I asked her, "why are you crying?"

She looked at me, and back down at her legs, "Raven was adopted, she's moving to America, I have nobody in this orphanage to talk to."

I looked at her with sad eyes, "well... we could be friends, right?"

She looked back at me and whispered loud enough so I could hear, "yeah, we can be friends, just please promise me, you'll never leave me on the curb."

I looked at her, and then out the window, " I would never leave you on the curb Neva, we are in this together."

*Flashback Ends*

Miss Hicks then came up to me, and looked down at me, and said with such hatred, "go to your room, your not needed here anymore, nobody would want someone that is just a burden."

I sat up, and started to head up the stairs, once I got to the room i was staying in. I cried, because what she said was true, nobody wanted to be parents to a burden. I went straight to the desk, where my song book was. I then climbed out the window into the fire escape. I always went on the fire escape to clear my head, and to get inspiration to write songs. The city, and all the noise that came from it, gave me ideas that I couldn't ask for, it just showed me that i did have a future, it just wasn't ready to show itself yet.

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