Chapter 3: Being Adopted and Moving In

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Chapter 3: Being Adopted and Moving In

Skyler's POV:

I've been waiting weeks, three weeks to be exact to be adopted. But I have finally turned sixteen. Again I never made it to anyone's standards, they all looked down upon me. Around three in the afternoon, four guys walked in, one looked at me while they were heading towards Miss Hicks desk. I only heard mumbling...

Luke's POV:

So the guys and I have decided that we should adopt a child, so that we can show everyone that we are responsible. We walk up to a building that says 'Orphanage' above the door. We walk in, and I see one girl, sitting in the window, she stared back at me, she looks like she's had a miserable life, but I knew she was the one. I don't know how, but I just had that feeling that she was the right one. We walk up to the front desk, and Ashton says to the woman up there, "we are looking to adopt a daughter."

She replies blankly, "well you're in luck, we have one person left, her name is Skyler and she's sixteen, please don't return her like everyone else that's adopted her. That's if you're interested in adopting her. She's in the window, you can't miss her."

We look to where she's pointing, and my heart just breaks, she's been rejected and returned several time, how could someone do that to someone so innocent. I'm the first to move, and I approach her.

I looked at her, and said, "hi Skyler, I'm Luke, do you want to be adopted?" I know. It's a horrible way to get someone's attention to adopt them, but can you blame me, I knew she was going to be the perfect daughter.

She stared at me for a few seconds, and finally replied, "you actually want to adopt me?"

I look back at her, and stare into her eyes, "yeah, why wouldn't we want to."

"Well you're the first person in seven years to take notice of me."

It broke my heart that nobody took interest in her for seven years, but I quickly replied with, "well, today's your lucky day, we're adopting you."

She gave me the biggest look, then hugged me, and ran up the stairs, if I had to think, I guess we just made her day.

Skyler's POV:

A tall man, out of the four guys, came up to me, and asked me, "hi Skyler, I'm Luke, do you want to be adopted?" I was in full shock, someone wanted to adopt me?!

I look back at him and replied, "you actually want to adopt me?"

He stared into my eyes, and said, "yeah, why wouldn't we want to."

"Well you're the first person in seven years to take notice of me." For those who didn't know I haven't been adopted or looked at for seven years from others.

He quickly replied with, "well, today's your lucky day, we're adopting you."

I jumped up and hugged him, I then ran up the stairs to start packing, while they did all the paperwork. I pack all the little clothes I had, my song book, picture of Neva and I, and my box. The only three things that I cared about that I packed, was my, box, song book, and picture of Neva and I. Before I closed the door, I looked into the now empty room, and sighed in relief, I can finally feel free. I'm not enclosed in a single building.

I went back down the stairs, just as they were finishing the paperwork, and the one with the coloured hair asked me, "is that it?"

I looked back, at my bag, and replied, "yeah, I didn't have much"

He looked back at me, and the guys, and said excitedly, "we are going shopping!"

I looked at the four of them confused, and a little frightened, they are so happy, unlike me. To be honest, this is the happiest I've ever been.

We all piled into the car, and started heading towards the mall. I learned a little about them by the time we got to the mall. Ashton parked the car and we all piled out, Michael grabbed my hand gently, and said, "you guys do whatever you want, I want to go shopping with Skyler, plus I need more hair dye."

We all laughed, because Michael was obsessed with dying his hair. We all walked into the mall, and split up, Ash, Cal, and Luke, went in a direction, while Michael and I walked in the seperate. I heard screaming girls, and turned around just to be pushed down by several of them, I got stepped on several times, before they disappeared to another store. I got up and looked at Michael who was in shock, but I smiled through the pain. I looked at my wrist, and saw some blood slowly drizzling out, but I covered in up with my jumper sleeve. Michael and I spent hours shopping for clothes and hair dyes. While we were shopping for hair dye I ask Michael, "can I dye my hair?"

He look at me with a grin, "depends which colour..."

I look back at him, "I was thinking about a navy blue or a dark red."

"I think dark red will look good on you."

We met the others back at the car, with all the bags of clothes, jewelry, and hair dye. When we started to head back to our house, my forever home, I feel asleep on Michael's shoulder. When Ashton parked the car, Michael shook me to wake me up, and whispered, "we're home, sleepyhead." I mumbled back and okay, and helped grab some of the bags. Before I walked in I looked at the huge house, and smiled. Michael showed me to my room, just as the last of the bags were coming through the door. It was on the third floor, with a balcony. Once I got all the bags in the room, I placed all of the clothes in the closet, and the jewelry on the vanity, that was filled with makeup. I organized the makeup, and looked around the room. It was a light grey, with a vanity, desk, two small nightstands, and a balcony. When I walked up to the desk, i noticed an iPhone 7s, and a Mac-book Pro. I smiled, just as Ashton came in to say goodnight. I hugged him, and thanked him for everything.

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