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The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism


There was a feeling of emptiness upstairs. It felt really quit, lonely even. I walked into a smaller room, no lights were on. I shifted to the lights and flicked the switch but nothing happened. As looked into the dark room, something in the corner caught my eye. My mind had to be playing tricks on me for what I saw couldn't be real. A lean figure of a woman  stood in the corner, her hair matted, enormous claws. It was too dark to see her face, only the outline of her was visible. She seemed to be starring at me. My heart raced.

This felt so real.

I didn't break eye contact with her, I watched her the entire time. What felt like ages was interrupted but a sudden grip on my legs, I looked down and saw the women's fingers locked around my ankles. I looked back up in panic to see she was now gone, yet on the ground trying to pull me under the bed. I fell to the floor trying to pry her fingers away, yet she clenched harder, her nails cutting into my jeans and digging into my skin. 

"Help!" I screamed. At my cry, the woman climbed on top of me, I was still not able to see her face. Her head lowered as if she was going to bite me, however she whispered with a raspy voice.

"Keep the lights out."

Then she was gone. a bright light shone in my eyes. 

"Thomas? What happened?" Mom asked shining the flashlight in the room, looking to see witch room  we were in.

"Something attacked me." I struggled to breath.

"Like a animal?" She walked to the window and pulled open the curtains. The room filled with natural light.

 I struggled to get up onto the bed. " No, Something bigger, a woman." I pulled my jeans up to reveal a bleeding wound and scratch marks all down my legs. " Sh-She gave me this." 

"Oh my God, Thomas. What on earth." She came and sat beside me. "What did you do?"

I looked up at her. "I didn't do anything, she did this." 

Mom looked at me worried." Who? Honey, no ones here." She looked behind her and throughout the room.  

What the hell had just happened? I couldn't even comprehend what just went down.

 Who was that woman, why did she attack me and how come she disappeared when mom shone the flashlight at me.

Keep the lights out, She had said.

"Hop in the shower, its the only thing that works, we don't get light, at least we got clean water." She paused. "Whatever did this to you it was probably a rodent." She rubbed my back.

" A seriously bigass rodent." I mumbled. 

"Excuse me?" mom asked.

"I-er...Do we have flashlights? Candles, Anything?" I asked. Anything would do as long as I wouldn't have to sit in the dark, worrying about getting clawed to death in my sleep. If this thing only came out in the dark, I needed to make sure that it was never dark.

"Didn't really think about it much, I found this one under the table downstairs. I'll go grab some in the morning." She got up.

"No. Please we need some for tonight." I asked, also standing up.

"alright, ill see what I can do. Ill drive into town in a bit. Good idea anyway, I need to grab dinner, any suggestions?" She walked outside the room to a closet and grabbed a towel.

"Uhm...Pizza?" I suggested.

"Yea, I'm feeling pizza too. alright, Ill be back in  hour or so." She gave me one last quick smile and handed me the towel.

"Wait mom? Can I have that flashlight?" I held the towel in my arms. She nodded, and handed it over.

"Bye." I stared down the hallway, in which she disappeared. I took a deep breath and glanced at the bathroom. The shower could wait. I Pulled out the note.

Dear Dacey, It read.

She's getting in my head. She wont leave me alone. I had to do it. I feel if I'm dead ill finally have peace. Please understand. I miss you, and I'm sorry. I'm not crazy. I love you, and once again I'm so so so sorry for what I did.

Love, Shauna

I don't even know what to think. What on earth did I just read?


So you might see where I'm modeling the ghost from: Lights out (The movie)

Its not connected anyway but has the same Demon.

I'm not copying lmao, I just liked the idea of her.

So enjoy haha

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