Grumpy Mood

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So you're out of your house, and you're in a bad mood. Who knows why you're in that state of mind, but you can't escape it for awhile.

Whether it started because your Mum just told you off about not putting out the rubbish, or one of your so called friends being just plain out rude and nasty to you.

Anyhow, you're doing a little grocery shopping with someone, might I add, dreading every second of it. And once you've finally got everything on the list, you go up to the counter. To just be served by an overly enthusiastic worker, who you just can’t help but glare at and wonder how they’re so damn happy. I mean what’s so exciting about working at a store like this.

After mumbling replies to them as they ask how you are, and all the rest of their polite friendliness.

You grab your groceries as they hand you the receipt and with a smile as wide as the sun, they say final words “Have a nice day!”

And as you turn around and furrow your eyebrows, you grit your teeth and spit, “Don’t tell me what to do.” Before leaving the worker confused as you walk out the doors.

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