A hooded figure

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A horned, hooded figure stood over Rocket's mother, she laid limp in it's arms. It was dressed in all black and had several purple rings around it's pale fingers. The figure held her tightly, throwing her over it's shoulder, it looked to the dark boy, observed his dirty white short and torn jeans. The figure stared into his soul. Inside the hood was empty, except for the large singular eye that was visible. It blinked before bursting out the window, frantically running away, disappearing into a bush. Rocket had chased it after dropping the soup, once it entered the shrubs it was gone, like there was a portal, something similar to Mrs. Bartlebee's yard.
The boy got an idea, running madly down the street, panicking as he climbed over the kind witch's fence, the blonde jumped and squeaked, startled by the reappearance of the dirty child. He fell to the dirt, dodging her plants and jumping to his feet. Sweat poured down his face as he panted, shaking, he had no idea how to explain what had just happened.
"T-The guy- he just- and my mom- and- and!!-" Rocket called out frantically, bewildered and violently twitching, holding his arms as he began hyperventilating, there was nothing he could have done. He felt utterly useless. "This,, thing! Took my mom..." He whimpered out seconds before the woman gave him a tight, warm hug.
"Don't worry, we'll get her back. But,, it's going to require doing something I've never done before." She sighed, for the first time in her life, feeling worried. Mrs. Bartlebee grabbed the young man's hand and stepped backwards like once before, dragging him to the other side. "Anything that gives me reason to suspect it's from another world?"
"Inside the hood was all black,, it had one eye and that was it. No face. Just one large eye. It was also super fast, it disappeared behind a bush." Rocket mumbled nervously, twiddling his fingers as he stared to the ground. The images of this creature stealing his mom just replayed violently, each second becoming more stretched and deformed, gruesome and twisted.
"It may be working for Frostbite!" The blonde exclaimed as she clasped her hands together. She stepped through her garden quickly with purpose, the beings she tended to swiftly moved out of her way, clearing a path for her and the boy. She unlocked the gate that lead to the front yard, she pushed it open briskly, running out and waving her wand. Within seconds a broom appeared and floated in mid-air in front of her. "We have to hurry!"
"I didn't know witches still used brooms!" Rocket said with a smile, he approached and watched as the woman climbed on, he then followed. Within minutes they were flying down the road at top speed, escaping into the skies, watching the life continue below. The broom suddenly came to a sudden halt, the woman had a frown stretch across her face.
"If I take you to the judgment halls, there is a chance that I may lose you and be imprisoned forever." The young witch muttered to herself, running a hand through her hair and adjusting her hat. "No one is human here, Rocket. We're supposed to despise humans. Only a witch and a handful certain other creatures can enter Earth. No human has ever been brought to Backtrack." Mrs. Bartlebee huffed, realizing that she was torn. "No,, we can't go to them. We need to go somewhere else."
"We have to find my mom,," Rocket began to protest before quieting himself, he glanced down to the extravagant city below. All the buildings were stacked on top of each other, many pieces of the broken land floated in thin air. Waterfalls flowed upwards, and wild animals walked freely on the sidewalks with the elves, the orcs, and the many legged creatures. The broom began to move again, going somehow faster than before, the boy gripped the kind witch tightly for dear life, shaking as he shut his eyes. She had an idea, however had no idea if it were going to work. Minutes passed into seconds before the broom halted again, it lowered to the ground. There was a lone island, floating in place, on the island was a large black mansion. This land was silent, not an animal stirred, there were remnants of the once living everywhere. A torn cloth on a tree branch, the skeleton of some sort of being.
"You have to go in,, alone. I have,, a bad history with the vampire king. He will have my head, if you reason with him he will help you. I'll be out here waiting." Mrs. Bartlebee explained in a whisper, she pulled out her wand once again and waved it around the dark boy, muttering something, a light quickly spun around him before disappearing. "This will protect you, he cannot hurt you, but it only lasts for three hours, so you have to hurry!" The blonde called out as she slowly pressed the boy off the broom and to his own feet.
"V-Vampire king...?" He whimpered as he attempted to brush his matted hair out of his face. He began to shake slightly as he turned to the mansion, he then shook his head slowly before taking a few steps forward. "...t-thank you, Mrs. Bartlebee." Rocket hesitated, he then continued walking, making his way to the door, he then turned around to notice the friendly witch was gone, out of sight. He whimpered before knocking on the door, the sounds echoed across the island, anything living would have heard it, and the boy swore somewhere inside that mansion a guitar was playing loudly. The door then opened and a mostly bat being answered, his mighty fangs shining in the moon's glow. The creature's red eyes watched Rocket carefully.
"Greetings,, mortal? Come in! Come in!" The bat monster exclaimed as he dragged the young boy inside, after scanning him he decided the boy was about fourteen, perhaps older. He sniffed him with a smirk before dialing up a small golden telephone. He whispered something that the boy could not hear. The guitar somewhere down the long hallways suddenly was silenced. "Boy, go down the corridor, at the end there are large doors, enter them with no hesitation! Go on go on! Quickly now!!" The being exclaimed excitedly, pushing the human frantically into the large hallway, stepping away quickly and disappearing.

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