Judgement halls

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The court fell into order, the blind judge with four arms, and two pairs of wings stood at her stand, the jury sat patiently, and a witch stood in the center of the room, entirely alone. All of the eyes stared down at her, however she stood her ground sternly, adjusting her large sun hat as she came to understanding that this was simply just another challenge.
"Your honor, a creature from this world went into the human realm, it kidnapped a mother. Her son came to me for help, so I helped. You just stopped him from getting her back!" The witch began before gasps and murmurs began to rise. She rolled her eyes and frowned.
"You brought a human into this world?" The judge asked, leaning in carefully, her wings fluttering slightly as she looked surprised. Sneers and glares began to fill the room, Mrs. Bartlebee sighed, quickly beginning to feel hopeless. She nodded and the jury gasped. "You have put us all in jeopardy, our very world could be destroyed for this, you will have your wand destroyed and your magic license revoked!" The judge exclaimed as she grabbed her mallet, she suddenly stopped as the woman stepped forward with an arm raised.
Meanwhile, king Venus scrambled up the steps to the silver temple, the doors bursted open as he shoved through, the guards growled and surrounded him. He called out to the three women, sitting on their thrones. The middle sibling rose from her seat, calling out loudly to the chaos. The three headed guards stepped back, watching the boy carefully. He shakily looked up to her, kneeling and bowing his head to her. The dark woman slowly stepped away from her seat, her sisters calling out to her in protest. She reached her hand out and held the vampire's cold hands gently.
"You came back!" Bulan exclaimed excitedly, yet fully keeping her composure. She blushed as her tattoos began to glow warmly. She refused to look back as her siblings stood up and yelled at her. She shook her head and stared into the other's red eyes. She found herself smiling more than she ever had, she watched him smile as well, however he looked afraid, scathed and pained. "What's wrong?" She asked quietly as she drowned out her own blood.
"We found our thief, but law enforcement stopped us and they got away and-" Venus began in a frenzy before quickly being hushed. The seer looked behind him with a concerned frown. She then nodded to herself.
"You came alone, did they take your friends!?" Bulan asked with offended eyes, looking back at her siblings, the eldest approaching with an angry glare. She raised her hand and slapped it against her younger sister's cheek harshly. She quickly grabbed her and began forcing her back to her throne before being shoved back, letting go. The vampire hissed at the woman, watching as her strait hair began to turn into a mess.
"You do not control this woman. No god does either. Go back to your tin-foil chair!" Venus hissed demonically, glaring at the tall woman, who hissed back as she slowly backed away. The eldest sister shook her head and swore under her breath, as she sat back down she gave a look of disapproval. "Just because I'm a vampire doesn't make me evil, Candramā." The king sneered before having a gentle hand be placed on his shoulder.
"Family is supposed to support you, but it seems like you never will. I am leaving, my dear sisters." Bulan called out peacefully, watching as her sisters grew pale and even more angered. "You said it yourself, our lives are short, I will not spend the rest of it on a chair, waiting for the gods to give me a sign." The curly haired girl explained, stepping back, feeling a deep frown etch into her skin. She felt a pain in her heart, this was all she had ever known.
"You are choosing an undead boy over your own family, may the gods have mercy on you!" Mesiac shouted, slamming her fists on the armrest of her chair. The youngest sibling felt hate, looking up at the blue moon. "You have betrayed us all!" She added, hissing at her sister and the vampire.
"You may hate me long into the afterlife,, I'm sorry." The middle sibling sighed as she turned around and slowly exited, having an arm carefully wrapped around her shoulder. The guards watched in confusion and sadness as the second seer left the temple. The couple descended down the stairs slowly, the inhuman woman lowered her head in shame and sorrow, eventually being carried up into the air gently by the other.
"I didn't mean to take you away from your sisters, you don't have to go with me. Although I was dying to see you again, I really just needed help.." Venus muttered, frowning as he stared at the silver building. Feeling a pain in his dead heart. The girl smiled softly before placing a finger against his pale lips. She laid her head down gently on his chest as he carried her.
"Don't blame yourself,, now let's go save your friends, Venus." Bulan sighed somberly, suggesting the boy lead the way. The vampire quickly took off in the direction of the judgement hall.
Meanwhile, Rocket frantically chased the hooded troll through the freezing sand, running through abandoned homes and dodging anything thrown at him. The human screamed in frustration as he jumped onto the creature that still had his mother. He felt himself get colder and colder, more and more angry. He slammed his fists into the troll's skull repeatedly, breaking the tough skin, they winced and cried out, biting the boy's arm ruthlessly.
"I have to save my mom!" The troll called out as tears pricked their eyes, they shielded their face and shook. Sobbing and growling, they shoved the boy off of them, jumping to their feet and desperately trying to take the human woman as far as they could go before the boy slammed into them again. They hissed and scratched his face. "I'm sorry but this is the only way! I have to save her!!"
"I don't care about your problems and your mom! I need mine!" Rocket screamed as he grabbed the creature by the horns and dragged it to the ground, breaking one. He then slammed his fists into it's face once again, feeling anger and hate continue to boil down inside him. The two were quickly bleeding, becoming animals and beating each other senselessly. A tall, pale, spiny creature silently approached, standing above Rocket's mother, watching the two with a toothy grin. The children continued to attack, disregarding the change of scenery, how it was growing cold and almost darker than before. How both of them were changing into much horrible beings.
"You have travelled very far, human. Just for this? Something that is temporary?" The creature asked with an echoing snicker, snow began to fall without warning. It decorated the sand quickly, the temperature dropping below zero in seconds. "Nøel, you have done well. Took you long enough." The creature commented as it stared at the hooded troll, which lied in the growing snow, injured severely. The large monster purred as it picked up the adult with it's claws.
"Let her go!!" Rocket screamed as he stood up and charged at the beast. It grabbed him with a sudden third arm and flung him into a wall, the material cracked and the boy cried out in agony. "M-Mom..!" He weakly called out, struggling back to his feet. He stumbled back over, whimpering and shaking.
"I-I get my mom back now, right? Y-You'll give me the candle!?" Nøel stammered as they picked their head up, blinking slowly as they drifted in and out of consciousness. The human stared at him, hate filling his guts before staring at the large monster. "... F-Frostbite?" They asked before a black candle was thrown to him violently, it was lit dimly. The wax broke in half as it smacked against the troll's head, they yelped and frantically tried to put it back together. "S-She'll be okay, right!?" They asked in a panic, hyperventilating and shaking more and more. Within seconds the flame burnt out and they were silenced. Frostbite then quietly chuckled as he looked to the human woman.
"Let her go!!" Rocket screamed as he ran to the beast, climbing on and slamming a fist into his face. Within seconds the three disappeared, the snow melted and the young troll was left alone with nothing but their thoughts. They looked to where the mother had once been and frowned, they then looked to the broken candle that had finally gone out, questioning if their judgement was all worth it now.

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